180 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Family II. COREIDAE. Sub-family IV. Corizina. Miris miriformis. Fall. By sweeping, Strawberry Hill (larvae only). Not common. Family III. BERYTIDAE. Sub-family I. Berytina. Berytus minor. H.S. At roots of grass, Walthamstow. May 1902. Family IV. LYGAEIDAE. Sub-family VII. Aphanina. Rhyparochromus chiragra. F. Monk Wood IX. Stygnocoris pedestris. Fall. Monk Wood, by sweeping heather; generally in moss and under dead leaves. Peritrechus geniculatus. Hhn. Walthamstow, April 1902. Aphanus pini. L. High Beach, under heather and dead leaves, October 1890. Epping (F. B. Jennings), V.C.H. Drymus sylvaticus. F. Generally distributed under dead leaves and at roots of plants. brunneus, Sahib. In moss near Wake Valley Pond; Monk Wood; under bark, Theydon. Nov. 1915. Piceus Flor. In sphagnum, Wake Valley Pond, Sept. 1892. Scolopostethus grandis. Horv. Under dead leaves near nest of Formica rufa, Walthamstow, about 1896. thomsoni Reut. Theydon, July 1922. decoratus. Hhn. Common under heather. Family VI. TINGIDAE. Sub-family I. Piesmina. Piesma maculata. Lap. On blanket drying in garden, Hale End, 17 May 1924. Sub-family II. Tingidae. Dictyonota strichnocera. Fieb. On furze, Strawberry Hill. Tingis ampliata. H.S. On blanket drying in garden, Hale End 17/5/1924; on thistles, Fairmead. Cardui. L. On blanket drying in garden, Hale End, 17 May 1924; on Cirsium lanceolatum, Fairmead. Family VII. ARADIDAE. Aradus depressus. F. On oak stump, Walthamstow.