BUGS. 181 Family VIII. HEBRIDAE. Hebrus ruficeps. Thoms. In sphagnum, Wake Valley Pond; Loughton (Billups). V.C.H. Family IX. GERRIDAE. Sub-family I. Mesoveliina. Mesovelia furcata. Mls. On Potamogeton, Wake Valley Pond. Sub-family III. Hydrometrina. Hydrometra stagnorum. L. Wake Valley Pond. Sub-family IV. Veliina. Microvelia reticulata. Burm. Wake Valley Pond. Velia currens. F. Common on Ching Brook and other streams, and ponds. Sub-family V. Gerridina. Gerris thoracicus. Schum. Loughton. lacustris. L. Common on ponds. argentatus. Wake Valley Pond. Family X. REDUVIIDAE. Sub-family I. Emesina. Ploiariola vagabunda. L. Chingford, 7 Sept. 1908; on oak, Fairmead, 29 Sept. 1925. culiciformis. De G. On wall in bed- room, Hale End; probably from sparrows' nests amongst clematis below window. Sub-family III. Nabidina. Nabis apterus. F. On oak and birch, Lords Bushes, com- mon, Loughton; on hawthorn, Fairmead. major. Costa. On grass in garden, Hale End, 18 Sept. 1921 ; by sweeping grass, Sewardstone green, 29 Augt. 1925. limbatus. Dahlb. and rugosus. Dahlb. both generally distributed on grass and other herbage. ericetorum. Schltz. Under heath wherever it occurs. Family XII. CIMICIDAE. Sub-family. Anthocorina. Anthocoris confusus. Reut. On oak, generally distributed. nemorum. F. Common everywhere. Triphleps minuta. L. On forget-me-not in garden, 23 Sept. 1923, Hale End. Lyctocoris campestris. F. High Beach, May 1906.