THE ESSEX FIELD CLUE. 185 Family III. Notonectidae. Plea minutissima. Fuessl. Wake Valley Pond. Notonecta glauca. L. Common generally in ponds. furcata F. Ponds near "Robin Hood." Family IV. Corixidae. Corixa geoffroyi Leach. Common in ponds. panzeri Fieb. Nazing, 7 April 1913. hieroglyphica. Duf. Nazing, 7 April 1913. sahlbergi. Fieb. Ponds near "Robin Hood"; High Beach Pond, Nov. 1916; Wake Valley Pond. linnei. Fieb. High Beach Pond, Nov. 1916; Wake Valley Pond. limitata. Fieb. Nazing, 7 April 1913. striata. L. Wake Valley Pond. falleni. Fieb. Ponds near "Robin Hood," distincta. Fieb. Ponds near "Robin Hood." moesta. Fieb. Ponds near "Robin Hood," and in Monk Wood. fossarum Leach. Ponds near "Robin Hood." fabricii. Fieb. and praeusta Fieb. Nazing, 7 April 1913. bonsdorffi C. Sahlb. Ponds near "Robin Hood." coleoptrata, F. Ponds near "Robin Hood," abundant; Wake Valley Pond; Nazing, 7 April 1913. Micronecta scholtzi. Fieb. Wake Valley Pond, October 1901. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. FIELD-MEETING AT RAYLEIGH (596TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 25TH APRIL, 1925. This, the first field-meeting of the year, was mainly a geological one, its object being to inspect sections in the London (lay which have recently- yielded numbers of characteristic fossils. Our Conductors were Mr. S. W. Wooldridge, M.Sc., F.G.S., Mr. Arthur Wrigley, and Mr. H. C. Berdinner, B.Sc., each of whom had intimate personal acquaintance with the sections. Incidentally, opportunity was afforded for noting the early spring flowers of the district, primroses, bluebells, violets, greater Stitchwort, red deadnettle, coltsfoot, and the invasive Lepidium draba, being observed among others. The party left Liverpool Street Station at 10.30 o'clock, and reached Rayleigh at 11.48, where other members joined it. On leaving the station an ascent was made of Rayleigh Mount, the earthwork upon which stood formerly the Norman castle built by Suene towards the close of the eleventh century, which commands an extensive