EXCAVATIONS IN PILLOW MOUNDS AT HIGH BEACH. 215 In his covering letter, Mr. Crawford says of the report that I sent to him of our work: "It is the most enlightening to hand on the subject of the mounds," so one must not be too disap- pointed at the comparative poverty of our finds. The general disposition of the High Beach group is, I think, sufficiently indicated by the accompanying sketch map. All but two of the mounds are more or less elongated-oval in form, none of them exceed three feet in height, and all are surrounded Fig. i. Sketch Map of Pillow Mounds at High Beach. by shallow ditches. The two exceptions are both circular, but one of these (Mound O) is very fresh looking and of question- able antiquity, and the other (Mound K) is very obscure and doubtful. Mound P is also obscure, and perhaps a little doubtful; but there may even be yet another between P and Q, not sug- gested on the map. The looping hollow trackways named on the east side of the map, are of a type quite common in the Forest. They are separated by (apparent) mounds or banks.