EXCAVATIONS IN PILLOW MOUNDS AT HIGH BEACH. 217 Mound D.—This was the last mound that we sectioned, but perhaps partly because one had then had the experience of digging in several others, it will form the best introduction to their general character. The most noteworthy general feature revealed by the section is the lateral spread of the mound beyond its original contour This feature was common to all the mounds (except Mound 0) that we tested, and is sufficiently indicated in the scale drawings. Although the depth of the ditches was so slight, in all the mounds their original inner margin (now silted over) was clearer and more, conspicuous than might have been expected, owing to the clean finish of the work. In no case was the original work done in the ordinary manner of digging straight down with Fig. 2. Section across Mounds D and B. a spade, but the soil was scraped off on a slope of about 6 inches to a foot per yard. Upon the outer side of the ditches the upward slope was much more gradual, and it was difficult to identify a definite outer margin; the constructors evidently scraped up the soil as far on either side as they needed to make the mound. The north-western sides of the mounds A, B, C, and D were different. The surface slope is here notably steeper, and less spread out than usual, and the ditch more conspicuous. Our trenches showed that a new ditch had been at some time cut along this side, in the ordinary manner of spade digging, straight through the floor of the original ditch. The difference in the method of digging was very marked. The whole material of Mound D was very greatly disturbed