EXCAVATIONS IN PILLOW MOUNDS AT HIGH BEACH. 225 Neolithic flakes found in the stony loam (the subsoil) immediately above it. There was also a heavily patinated Palaeolithic flake found in the mixed soil (which includes some of the drift) cf which the same Mound E was composed. So that our one core is evidently not the only Palaeolithic flint in these pockets cf drift. Whatever may be the origin and age of the material composing these high-level drifts the writer has long maintained the view that they have been very extensively redistributed at much later dates, more particularly during the rigorous conditions of the Ponder's End stage. As we see these drifts to-day they are to a large extent true hill drifts, formed by surface action at high levels, and contemporary with the valley drifts at low levels. Conclusion.—In conclusion I will only say that although we found nothing spectacular; and although our work has perhaps rather suggested problems than solved them, I hope that the Club will feel that it has not been wasted, and was worth doing. For myself, I think our results, if inconclusive, have at least strengthened the claim for antiquity and for the specific date of the Prehistoric Iron Age, for these problematic pillow mounds. We began the work with the main idea of trying to find interments, or something of a tangible nature. I now think that that is starting with the wrong idea so far as pillow mounds are concerned. In view of the evidence of fire under the mound on the Malvern Hills, I think it is the details of the evidence, upon those lines, and also any preparation of the site before the lighting of the fire, which should be observed in future excavations. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XX. The photograph is taken from the south-west, across the valley of the larger of the two streams shown on the sketch map (fig. 1). Measuring in millimetres from the left and lower edges of the photograph the doubtful mound K is at 8 and 47, mound J at 35 and 48, mound I at 55 and 48, mound H at 80 and 48, mound W at 75 and 44, mound E at no and 47, mound N at 95 and 50, and mound D at 105 and 50. Mounds F and G are in front of E, but are less easy to trace in the photograph. The area occupied in the picture by mound E is about 35 mm. x 5 mm.