THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 237 walls, so that visitors are enabled at a glance to estimate the vast extent of this one-time rich foundation. From the Abbey ruins the party retraced its way to the new Public Library, a handsome building in the Georgian style of architecture, which was erected only some eighteen months ago from Mr. Dawson's designs. Here the visitors were met by Mr. T. G. Ainsworth, the chairman of the Library Committee of the Barking U.D. Council, and here Mr. Francis W. McLaren, the Librarian, conducted the party through the building, and exhibited a collection of water-colour and pen-and-ink sketches of various interesting buildings in the town and its vicinity, and of Essex items in the Reference Library. Lastly, a move was made for Eastbury manor house, some members availing themselves of the scanty accommodation of an omnibus service, others proceeding on foot. At Eastbury a tour of inspection of the restored building was made, and in batches the party ascended to the roof of the one remaining staircase tower, but the view over the marshes and river was obscured by the rising white mists of evening. Tea had been hospitably provided by Mr. Dawson in the old kitchen of the manor house, following which the Honorary Secretary, in the absence of the President, voiced the warm thanks of the party to the several conductors. Mr. Dawson and Mr. Ainsworth replied, and the visitors then took their leave, well satisfied with a most enjoyable afternoon's excursion. THE ANNUAL MEETING AND ORDINARY MEETING (609TH AND 610TH MEETINGS). SATURDAY, 27TH MARCH, 1926. The above meetings were held in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, at 3 o'clock, 65 members and visitors being present. In the absence abroad of the President, Mr. Miller Christy, vice- president, presided. The business of the Annual Meeting was taken first. The minutes of the last Annual Meeting having been read and confirmed, the Report of the Council was read by the Hon. Secretary: on the motion of Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Ross, the report was unanimously received and adopted. The Hon. Treasurer read his statement of the accounts of the Club for 1925, and formally moved its adoption. Mr. Ryde seconded, and the motion was carried rem. cor. Mr. D. J. Scourfield, I.S.O., F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., was elected President of the Club for 1926-27, he having been duly nominated at the meeting on February 27th, and not having been opposed. Mr. Scourfield thereupon assumed the Presidential chair, amidst the warm acclamations of the members. In expressing his thanks for the honour conferred upon him the new President promised that his best endeavours should be expended to maintain the fine traditions of the Club. There being eight nominations for five vacant seats on the Council