240 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. The two museums controlled by the Club have enjoyed some important accessions of valuable specimens during the past year. At the Stratford Museum, the extensive collection of prehistoric implements generously donated by Mr. G. J. B. Fox, has been added to, and is now (in part) on exhibition in a new table-case specially made for its reception. A new Aquarium case has been added to the Museum and constitutes a highly popular feature with visitors. The curator wishes to record his grateful thanks to various members, and particularly to Miss G. Lister, Miss E. Prince, Dr. F. M. Turner, Mr. Colney Campbell, Mr. F. J. Lambert, and Mr. George Morris, for help generously given in the donation and arrangement of specimens. Serious structural defects which developed at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge during the winter led to the temporary closing to the public of our museum installed there; but your Council is glad to announce that the necessary reconstruction of the building has now been carried out and permits of its re-opening immediately. It is a gratifying feature that during last summer exceptionally large numbers of school children, accompanied by their teachers, paid visits to the Museum, as is shown by the entries in the Visitors' Book. The library of the Club has increased to a total of 5218 volumes, an increase of 129 during the year; 85 of these have been bound during the past twelve months. Your Council calls renewed attention to the facilities afforded for the borrowing of books for home study. An investigation carried out by the Club in connection with certain "pillow-mounds" at Highbeach has yielded some interesting results, and it is in contemplation to carry out further researches at Loughton Camp, in Epping Forest, at an early date. The Club's finances are, as will be seen from the Hon. Treasurer's Statement presented to-day, in an eminently sound condition, and the best thanks of the Club arc due to him for his watchful care and super- vision of the accounts. THE MORANT CLUB. At a General Meeting of the Morant Club held at the offices of the Essex County Council, on March 19th, 1925, the position of the Club was fully considered, and it was resolved that, owing to the unfortunate difficulties in which they found themselves, no other alternative to winding up the Club remained. The two resolutions following were carried nem. con. "That the Morant Club shall be dissolved." "That the available balance shall be divided equally between the Essex Archaeological Society and the Essex Field Club, condition- ally on the money being expended on the purposes for which the Morant Club was instituted." The second resolution was submitted to the Societies concerned, and on receipt of their approval, the balance available was, together with the various pamphlets in the possession of the Club, equally divided. Philip Laver, G. Montagu Benton. Honorary Secretaries.