vi. 191. 315 ; plants of Upton, etc., 1844-1848, 104-107 ; exhibits grass-snake eggs, and fruits of Ginkgo biloba, 122 ; presents mycetozoa, 123 ; exhibits Lis- terella, 126 ; Lamprocolius pur- pureus, var. amethystinus, 129 ; presents water-colour sketch, Leytonstone, 130 ; Badhamia populina, etc., at Walthamstow, 133 ; exhibits plan, etc., of Upton House, 227 ; exhibits Warner's Plantae Woodfordienses, 231 ; presents Galpine's British Botany, 1806, 232. Lister, I., presents Dock Forgeries, 238. Lister, Lord, plants collected by, 104. Little Owl, Sewardstone, 15. London Clay and Bagshot Passage- beds, Rayleigh, 112. London Clay mammalia, Harwich, 97 ; shells, Rayleigh, presented, 227. Long-tailed lit, nest, 14. Loughton Camp, Gnorimus nobilis, 242. Main, H., presents Geaster Bryantii, 18 ; exhibits bird-catching spider from Trinidad, 20 ; ant-lion larvae, 127 ; Drilus flavescens, 130 ; seed vessels of Squirting Cucumber, 130 ; food-mass of Scarabaeus sacer, 130 ; Giant Shore Earwig, Riviera, living, 227 ; Trap-door Spider, South France and Atypus affinis, High Beach, 219. Mammalia, Eocene, 97 ; Pleistocene, 1, 32, 119, 123. Manningtree, Grey Phalarope, 318. Marriott, St. J., referee in Crypto- gamic foray, 228. Marshall's Park House, Romford, 227. Maynard, G., John Brown's coast section, Walton to Colne, 42. Meetings of Club, Oct. 1923—Oct. 1926, 14, 77, 119, 185, 226, 302. Megachile and Coelioxys, 27. Mites, pl. vii., 59, 123. Modified organs of plants, 20. Mollusca, 19 ; fossil, 227, 228. Moorlog, pollen-study, 107. Morant Club, Dissolution, 240. Morris, G, presents neoliths from Cam Valley, 18 ; B. M. Forster's herbarium, 1790-1827, 238. Mosses, 15, 121, 228. Mothersole, H., presents "cheese- moate," 18 ; Leaf-cutting Bee, 27-31 ; exhibits Stone Curlew, 123 ; nest of Mason Bee, 125 ; Mistletoe [not] on Oak, 134 ; Use of Pebbles, 239. Moulds for wax fruits presented, 125. Mycena iris, Epping Forest, 316. Mycetozoa, 15, 16, 121-123, 126, 133, 227, 228. Myrmeleo, 127. National Trust Essex Monuments, 43. Neoliths, 18, 187, 228. Neuroptera, 127. Newton, E. T., exhibits MS. of John Brown, 119. Nichol, W. B.. Quail nesting, Great Oakley, 92. Nicholson, C, exhibits nutshell cemented to tree by fungus, and large leaves of plane, 16 ; exhibits Cis boleti, 20 ; "nest" of mites, 123 ; Epping Forest Bugs, 169-185 ; exhibits double wasp-nest (V. germanica), 235. Niphargus aquilex, Writtle, 132. Oak, sections presented, 227. Owen, J. H., presents Jackdaw's eggs disguised with mud, 241. Palaemon serratus zoeae exhibited, 127. Palaeoliths, 187, 228, 245. Paulson, R., referee in Cryptogamic forays, 15, 121, 228 ; exhibits structure of Teasel, 123, 130. "Paycockes," Coggeshall, photo- graphs exhibited, 20 ; visited, 85. Pearson, A. A., referee in fungus forays, 315. Peregrine Falcon, Great Leighs, 195. Perichaena corticalis, Walthamstow, 123, 133. Phalacrocera replicata, 42. Phalarope, grey, Manningtree, 318, Pillow Mounds, High Beach, pl. xx., 214. Pipefish, Sharp nosed, 130. Plane, abnormal leaves, 16. Plant Dispersal, 43. Platygloea effusa, Epping Forest, 316. Pleistocene Mammalia, pls. i., ii., 1, 8, 32. Pliocene Period, West Essex, 247.