THE ESSEX NATURALIST BEING THE Journal of the Essex Field Club. VOLUME XXII. NOTES ON METHOCA ICHNEUMONIDES LATR. By HUGH MAIN, B.Sc., F.Z.S., F.E.S. (With One Plate.) [Read 30th October, 1926.] I HAVE recently had the opportunity of observing this interesting hymenopteron through the kindness of my friend Mr. K. G. Blair, who gave me one of two females he took in Surrey last August. In Saunders' Hymenoptera Aculeata, published in 1896, it is stated that nothing is known of the habits of this insect. The male is described as being much larger than the female and winged, while the female is apterous. A detailed description is given of the two sexes. There is only one European species of the genus, which is very rare, especially in the male sex. In the Entomologists' Monthly Magazine for November, 1914, and February, 1915, a very good account of the activities of Methoca was given by H. G. and R. I. Champion. References are also given to the work of Adlerz, a Swede, published in 1904 and 1906, and of Bouwman, a Dutchman, in 1909. Photographs of the development of the Methoca larva accompanied Adlerz's paper. My own contribution to the subject merely consists of a series of photographs illustrating the development of the larva. The authors I have mentioned had opportunities of extended obser- vations in the field, which I have not yet had the opportunity of confirming, but I hope to endeavour to do so next year. At present I cannot do better than give a short summary of what has been published on the subject by the authors above