24 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. than on the Stour they did not reach the size of those on the Crouch and Blackwater. While observing Little Terns from a photographic hide a marauding band of Rooks descended on the colony, but the Terns, time after time, stalled off the attacks until their persecutors were driven off. Magpie (Pica p. pica (L.)). Mersea Island, one 24/1/26. Wick, 6/6/26 ; while in my hide one appeared on the meadow and was immediately driven off by the combined efforts of a Redshank and a Lapwing. South Green, one, 3/4/26 and 11/12/26. Fingringhoe, one, 13/11/26. From these records it will be seen that the Magpie is by no means common in this area. British Goldfinch (Carduelis c. britannica (Hart.)). Appeared to be numerous in central Mersea, 20/9/25, but as I found none on a subsequent visit these were probably migratory birds. St. Osyth Marshes, two, 18/10/25 ; three, 17/10/26 ; two, 14/11/26. Mersea, 24/1/26. Several along the river below Wivenhoe, 13/11/26. Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla L.). One, with other finches, at Morses, 5/4/26. Tree Sparrow (Passer m. montanus (L.)). Mersea Island, four, 22/11/25. Wivenhoe, one, 16/10/26. South Green, several in a huge flock of mixed finches, 11/12/26. Corn Bunting (Emberiza c. calandra L.). The Strood, one, 12/4/25. Fingringhoe, 4/6/26. Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis (L.)). Identified during all months of visits. Common from early in April to third week in September, when a diminution in numbers takes place. Rock Pipit (Anthus spinoletta petrosus (Mont.)). Identified during all months of visits from mid-October to about end of February. I have neither September nor April records. The species was generally seen along the shingly St. Osyth shore, on the Mersea sea-wall where built of stone, and on the hard mud of the rills. Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava rayi (Bp.)). Fairly common on Mersea and St. Osyth marshes, 1-3/8/25. None identified on next visit, 20/9/25. Identified on Fingringhoe, St. Osyth and Reeveshall Marshes during the visit of May-June, 1926. None identified 18/9/26. Wheatear (Oenanthe o. oenanthe (L.)). On the spring migra- tion, scarce, one only being seen in April, 1925 and 1926, but