BIRDS OF THE COLNE VALLEY IN 1925 AND 1926. 25 common on the southward movement. It was common in August, and at the end of the second week of September there were still numbers about. One was seen 16/10/26, and another on the following day. None seen during the May-June visit, 1926. Whinchat (Saxicola r. rubetra (L.)). Mersea Island, one, 20/9/25. The only record. British Stonechat (Saxicola torquata hibernans (Hart.)). The Strood, one, 12/4/25. Beacon Hill, one, 19/9/25. Sandy Point, two, 18/10/25. St. Osyth Marshes, two, 17/10/26. Swallow (Hirundo r. rustica L.). Numerous without being abundant. Mersea Island, one, 12/4/25. Several small parties observed, 16-17/10/26, all moving purposefully southwards. Martin (Delichon u. urbica (L.)). Strongly established along the coast from Brightlingsea northwards. Nesting in Brightling- sea. Sand Martin (Riparia r. riparia (L.)). June, 1926, a small nesting colony in a sand-pit near East End Green, and a large colony in a sand-pit near St. Osyth. Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis ispida L.). Occasional birds seen along the creeks and fleets in all months from August (2nd) to January. Little Owl (Athene, noctua vidalii A. E. Brehm). Identified on all visits except April, 1925, and January and November, 1926. British Tawny Owl (Strix aluco sylvatica Shaw). Fingringhoe, heard 31/5/26. Peregrine Falcon (Falco p. peregrinus Tunst.). Sandy Point, one, 10/4/25. St. Osyth Marsh, one perched on a fence where it remained during our observations, 4/4/26. Common Heron (Ardea c. cinerea L.). Observed during all visits, single birds being seen generally. No parties of any size seen. Numbers, apparently, not altering according to season. Brent Goose (Branta b. bernicla (L.)). Colne Point, twelve, 23/1/26 ; two hundred, 20/2/26 ; thirty-five, 12/12/26. Mersea Island, two hundred, 21/2/26, perhaps the flock seen at Colne Point on the previous day. Sheld-Duck (Tadorna tadorna (L.)). Identified on all visits in varying numbers, sometimes very few were seen. Pyefleet Channel is the favoured haunt of this handsome duck, some