BIRDS OF THE COLNE VALLEY IN 1925 AND 1926. 27 Goosander (Mergus m. merganser L.). Langenhoe Marsh, a male, 11/12/26. A particularly good view of this handsome bird was obtained. Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator L.). A single bird and a male and female, Brightlingsea Reach, and a male and female, Ray Creek, 10/4/25. About a dozen, both sexes, off the south of Mersea, 11/4/25. Pyefleet Channel, twelve in flight and two immature birds, 22/11/25 ; one mature male with three or four others, 24/1/26; fourteen, both sexes, 21/2/26. None identified, 2/4/26. One female or immature male, Pyefleet Channel, 11/12/26. These records suggest that the Merganser arrives some time in November and leaves about the beginning of April. Cormorant (Phalacrocorax c. carbo (L.)). Identified, usually single birds, during all visits except that of May-June, 1926. Rat Island is the favoured haunt of this bird, twenty-three being seen here, 16/10/26, one of which was a white-breasted bird. Fourteen were observed flying over St. Osyth Marsh, 14/11/26. Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps c. cristatus (L.)). Three off Mersea, 11/4/25. Two off Colne Point, 18/10/25. One, Pyefleet Channel, 19/9/26. These dates all come within the confines of the migrational periods. Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps g. griseigena (Bodd.)). Ray Creek, one, 14/11/26. This bird was under observation for over thirty minutes. Little Grebe (Podiceps r. ruficollis (Pall.)). Ray Creek, ten, 21/11/26. Pyefleet Channel, thirty, 22/11/25 ; five, 24/1/26 ; ten, 21/2/26 ; several, 11/12/26. Geeton Creek, twelve, 16/10/26 ; fifteen to twenty, 13/11/26 ; twenty to thirty, 11/12/26. This grebe was also identified at St. Osyth, Reeveshall and Langenhoe Marshes, which are all suitable for breeding purposes. Red-throated Diver (Colymbus stellatus Pontopp.). Bright- lingsea Reach, one, 10/4/25. Two off Colne Point, 4/4/26. Stock Dove (Columba oenas L.). Mersea Island, 12/4/25 ; seven, 2/8/25 ; several, 17/10/25 ; 13/6/26 ; one, 19/10/26. St. Osyth Marsh, a few, 7/6/26, 17/10/26. South Green, a few with a flock of about three hundred Wood Pigeons, 16/10/26. Oyster-Catcher (Haematopus o. ostralegus L.). Colne Point, a single bird and a party of six, 13/4/25 ; two, 4/4/26. Ray Creek, two, 3/4/26. These are all spring migrational dates.