36 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. var. confinis Burnat.—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Col- chester. var. lappacea Desr.—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Col- chester. Medicago laciniata Mill var. brevispina Bent. Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. Melilotus sulcata Desf. (Central Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. M. alba Desr. (Europe, Asia).—Sewage farm, Colchester ; Beach, St. Osyth. M. arvensis Wallr.—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester, M. indica All. (Europe, N. Asia).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. Trifolium incarnatum L. (Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, and Victoria Road, Colchester ; Dagenham, R. Melville collector. T. stellatum L. (Central Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. T. resupinatum L. (Central Europe).—Waste ground, Hythe Quay, Colchester. T. tomentosum L. (Central Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. T. hybridum L. (Eastern Europe).—Hythe Quay, etc., Col- chester. var. elegans Savi. (Central Europe).—Great Bentley. T. agrarium L. (Europe, N. Africa).—Oat field, West Ber- gholt. Lotus siliquosus L.—Building land, Mersea Island, Mrs. I. P. Brown, collector. L. tenuis Waldst, and Kit. var. pedunculatus Cavan. Waste ground, Hythe Quay, Colchester. L. ornithopodioides L. (Southern Europe).—Dagenham, R. Melville, collector, Galega officinalis L. (Europe).—Little Maplestead, G. C. Druce, collector. Robinia Pseudo-acacia L. (N. America).—Waste ground Victoria Road, Colchester. Astragalus baeticus L. (Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester.