THE ALIEN PLANTS OF ESSEX. 37 Hosackia americana Piper. Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. Colutea arborescens L. Tilbury, R. Melville, collector ; Grays, Rev. P. T. Corfe, collector. Coronilla varia L. (Europe).—Dagenham, L, B. Hall, col- lector. C. scorpioides Koch.—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Col- chester. Ornithopus roseus Duf.—Berechurch, G. C. Druce, collector. Vicia varia Host. (Europe).—Great Bentley. V. dasycarpa Ten.—New Power Station, Colchester ; Virley. V. calcarata Desf. (Spain).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. V. amoena Fisch.—Fyfield, G. C. Druce, collector. V. bithynica L.—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester, G. C. Druce and G. C. B., collectors. V. Faba L.—Hythe Quay, etc., Colchester. V. narbonensis L. (Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. var. serratifolia Jacq. Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Col- chester. V. lutea L. (Mediterranean Region).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester ; cliffs, St. Osyth, G. C. B. ; Goldhanger, A. A Turner V. pannonica Crantz. Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Col- chester. V. sativa L. Common on waste ground. V. peregrina L. (Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. Lathyrus latifolius L. (Europe).—Donyland Heath. L. annus L. (Europe).—Hythe Quay, Colchester, G. C. Druce, collector. L. Cicera L. (Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Col- chester. L. hierosolymitanus Boiss.—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. L. Ochrus D.C. (Central Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. L. Aphaca L. (Europe, Orient).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester.