THE ALIEN PLANTS OF ESSEX. 43 Stachys recta L. (S. Europe).—Chigwell, C. Nicholson, col- lector. PLANTAGINACEAE. Plantago indica L. (Europe, Asia Minor).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. P. Lagopus L. (Mediterranean region, Orient).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. AMARANTACEAE. Amaranthus retroflexus L. (N. America).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. A. albus L. (N. America)—Garden weed, Colchester. J. E. Hunwicke, collector. CHENOPODIACEAE. Chenopodium hybridum L. (Europe, etc.).—Refuse tips. Bourne Pond and Victoria Road, Colchester ; Berechurch. C. urbicum L. (Europe, N. Asia).—Mersea Island, G. C. B.; Snoreham, H. K. A. Shaw, collector. C. murale L. (Europe).—Abundant on waste ground, Hythe Quay, Colchester. forma microphyllum.—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Col- chester. C. opulifolium Schrad. (Europe).—Rainham, L. B. Hall, collector. var. obtusatum, Murr.—Dagenham, L. B. Hall, collector. C. opulifolium x album [C. Preissmannii Murr).—Hythe Quay, Colchester, G. C. Druce and G.C.B., collectors. C. album Linn. (The typical plant authenticated by Dr. Murr).—Waste ground, Hythe Quay, Colchester. Subsp. candicans Lam.—Hythe Quay, Colchester. Subsp. viride Syme.—Hythe Quay, Colchester. Subsp. viridescens St. Aman.—Hythe Quay, Abbey Field, etc., Colchester ; Walton-on-Naze. Subsp. paucidens Murr.—Abbey Field, Colchester. Subsp. serrato-sinuatum Murr. Hythe Quay and Military Hospital, Colchester. Subsp. serrato-sinuatum forma grossidentatum Murr.—Hythe Quay, Colchester. G. C. Druce and the Misses Trower, collectors. Subsp. subficifolium Murr.—Hythe Quay, Colchester, Druce collector. Birch.