THE ALIEN PLANTS OF ESSEX. 47 Cynosurus echinatus L. (Europe. Orient).—Hythe Quay and Middlewick, Colchester ; Great Easton. Eragrostis pilosa Beauv.—Grays, R. Melville, collector. Festuca Broteri Nyman.—Waste ground, Hythe Quay, Col- chester. Bromus rigens L. (maximus Desf.) (Europe, Caucasus, etc.).— Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. B. unioloides H. B. K. (America).—Waste ground, Hythe Quay, Colchester ; Grays, R. Melville, collector. B. arvensis L. (Europe, Orient, N. Asia).—Saffron Walden. B. squarrosus L. (Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. Lolium temulentum L. (Europe, N. Asia).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. L. multiflorum Lam. (Europe).—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. var. compositum Thuill.—Victoria Road, Colchester. var. italicum (Braun).—Birch, Alphamstone, etc. Secale cereale L. (Orient).—Abbey Field, Colchester ; Grays, R. Melville, collector. Triticum vulgare L.—Frequent as an escape in hedges, etc. T. turgidum L.—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. Lepturus incurvus Trin. (Europe).—On chalk refuse, Langenhoe (S.E.U., Bot. Excursion). Hordeum jubatum L. (N. America).—Hythe Quay, near granary, Colchester. R. Melville and G. C. B., collectors ; Dagenham, R. Melville, collector. H. vulgare, L.—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. H. hexastichon L.—Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. H. distichon L.—Abbey Field, Colchester. Monotropa Again Recorded in Epping Forest.—The rare saprophyte, Hypopitys Monotropa Crantz (=Monotropa Hypopithys L.), was again noted in August, 1927, growing under beech in Monk Wood, Epping Forest. The finder was again Mr. Conway Gould, who discovered this plant in the same station in 1922, as recorded in this journal. Editor.