THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 57 Approximate age of 1st generation, 64 days. Approximate age of 2nd generation, 7 days. Plate 3, Fig. 2 shows the tracks left by a snail feeding on a thick algal growth on the surface of the glass. Plate 4, Fig. i shows the unequal growth of snails if varying numbers are reared in each jar, and the approximately equal growth when equal numbers are placed in a jar. jars 1-4 contained one snail each ; Jars 5-8 three snails each ; Jars 9-12, ten snails each. One shell was lost or broken from each of the sets 5, 10 and 12 before the specimens were mounted. Plate 4, Fig. 2.—One family of sinistral L. pereger, all hatched early in August, 1922. All the larger shells are from snails which had been planted out either singly or in pairs into separate jars during 1923-4-5. All the smaller shells are from those which died in the nursery during 1923 and 1924. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ORDINARY MEETING (616th MEETING). SATURDAY, 3OTH OCTOBER, 1926. The first meeting of the Winter Session was held in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the President, Mr. D. J. Scourfield, I.S.O., F.L.S., etc., in the chair. 56 members and visitors were present. The following ladies and gentlemen were elected members of the Club :— Mr. William Bridger, B.Sc., of 1, Fairfield South, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey. Miss D. Crafts, of Elm Villa, Lower Park Road, Loughton. Mr. Martin Edmunds, of "Ackworth," Station Road. Epping. Mrs. Florence Glegg, of The House, Albion Brewery, Whitechapel Road, E.I. Miss E. M. Holt, of "Abbolsford," Endlebury Road, Chingford. E.4. Miss Eva Wells, of "Lawnside," Buckhurst Hill. Mr. Avery exhibited a selection of Essex Prints from his own collection. Miss G. Lister exhibited a curious jelly-like mass of "Pwdre Ser," found on a path in Epping Forest by Mr. Main on the occasion of the Club's Fungus Foray, and gave a short account of its supposed origin. (A full description of "Pwdre Ser" has since appeared in the ESSEX Naturalist, xxi. p. 271, from the pen of Dr. H. A. Baylis, M.A., D.Sc., with an excellent photograph of the specimen found by Mr. Main.) Miss Hibbert-Ware showed some admirable lantern-photographs of Marsh Tits feeding from the human hand at Sewardstone, a remark- able instance of patience and reciprocal trust. The Honorary Secretary exhibited a series of plants from Switzerland and the French Alps, collected by Fraulein Schinz, Miss d'Avigdor, Dr. Turner, Mr. Paulson and himself, which had been named by Miss Lister and mounted for the Museum by Miss Prince.