66 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. only British member of the sub-family Cercopina ; the 6 other species (of which the common froghopper is one) belong to the Aphrophorina and produce their "cuckoo-spit" on plants above ground. The Scarlet Hopper is local, but apparently common in some places. The Rev. J. G. Wood found it abundantly on ferns in open spaces in Bagley Wood, Oxfordshire. It has been recorded once from Scotland. I have met with it only once, and that was on nettles at Grayshott (Hants), near Haslemere, at the end of May, 1915. In Essex it has been reported as common in the Colchester district, and we may now add Little Baddow. The Curator exhibited drawings prepared by the Surveyor to the Leyton Urban District Council, showing bore-holes made in 1925 in connection with the new Main Outfall Sewer across the Lea Valley from Leyton to Hackney Wick, also samples from various trial-holes sunk at the Abbey Mills Pumping Station, West Ham, in January, 1927. The Honorary Librarian announced the valuable gift to the Club's Library of the "Proceedings of the Zoological Society," with Indices, for the past twenty years, from the President. The business of the Annual Meeting was then taken. The minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read and confirmed. The Report of the Council for 1926 was read by the Hon. Secretary. On the motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Miss Heath, the Report was received and adopted. The Hon. Treasurer presented his Statement of Accounts for 1926, and formally moved its adoption ; Mr. Main seconded. The motion was carried nem. con. The Hon. Secretary announced that, no further nomination having been received or objection raised, Mr. I). J. Scourfield, I.S.O., F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., stood re-elected as President of the Club for the ensuing year. The announcement was greeted with applause, and the President thanked the members for their warm reception. At the meeting held on February 26th last, seven members were nominated for four vacant seats on the Council, caused by retirement in rotation ; of the seven nominees, one, Miss Greaves, had asked to have her nomination withdrawn, for private reasons, leaving six candi- dates in the field. A ballot was accordingly taken. The President appointed Messrs. Campbell and Ryde to act as Scru- tineers ; on their certificate, the result of the ballot was declared, at a later stage of the meeting, to be as follows :— Mr. H. Main polled 43 votes. Mr. H. Mothersole polled 42 votes. Mr. S. W. Wooldridge polled 26 votes. Mr. W. H. Daun polled 23 votes. Mr. Hogg polled 22 votes. Mr. G. Dent polled 20 votes. The President announced that Messrs. Main, Mothersole, Wooldridge and Daun had been duly elected members of Council. The undermentioned persons having been duly nominated at the meeting held on February 20th, and no further nominations having