THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 67 been received, were declared by the President to be duly elected to their respective offices, viz :— As Hon. Treasurer, Mr. John Avery, F.C.A. As Hon. Librarian, Mr. Stephen J. Barns. As Hon. Secretary, Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S. As Hon. Editor, Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S. As Hon. Assistant Curator at the Forest Museum, Miss Vera Oxley. Mr. C. Nicholson and Mrs. C. Whitwell, having been duly nominated, were declared re-elected as Auditors for 1927-28. The members of the Forest Museum Committee, viz :—Miss Hibbert- Ware, Mrs. Kay, Miss G. Lister, Mr. J. Avery and Mr. P. Thompson, were declared re-elected for 1927-28. Miss G. Lister then took the chair at the President's request, while he delivered his Presidential Address, entitled "Some Field Phenomena due directly to Microscopic Organisms," which he illustrated by many lantern drawings and photographs and by the exhibition of living organisms under microscopes. At the conclusion of the Address, the Chairman moved the thanks of the members to the President, which were accorded by acclamation ; and Miss Lorrain Smith asked that the Address might be printed in the Club's journal. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. Presented to the Annual Meeting on March 26TH, 1927. Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Council has to report that the work of the Club has progressed smoothly and regularly during the past year. The present membership amounts to 294. The attendances at the meetings have been good, averaging 43 on each occasion ; this is not taking into account the Annual Fungus Foray in October last, when over 100 persons attended. This affords gratifying evidence of the continued interest shown by our members in the Club's activities. The Library shows considerable expansion during the year. Forty- six volumes have been bound since our last Report, and the total number of bound volumes now reaches 5,341. Your Council wishes, however, to emphasize its opinion that much greater use of the Library for home study might, and should, be made by members. Many valuable accessions have been made to the Club's Stratford Museum during the past twelve months and have been announced and exhibited at our meetings from time to time. The Curator takes this opportunity to express his obligation to those members who have co- operated in the work of examining and preparing specimens for exhibition ; especially are thanks due to Miss G. Lister and to Miss Prince in this connection. The Pictorial Survey of Essex has received some important donations, from both members and non-members, and the thanks of the Club are due to the various donors who are in this way helping to make this branch of the Club's work a really valuable topographical record of our County.