SOLITARY BEES AND WASPS OF ESSEX. 91 Family III. Anthophoridae. All cuckoo bees, with the exception of Eucera. Nomada, Fab. This genus is parasitic on Andrena chiefly, but some of the species attack Halictus and Eucera. All are conspicuously coloured and in no respect resemble their hosts ; their integument, like that of most parasitic Aculeata, is very hard, and they sting very feebly. Most of them can emit a scent when seized, and they frequent flowers, in some cases the same as those to which their hosts aer partial. Their wasplike colouration is supposed to be protective to them during their slow flight above the burrows of their hosts. Some of the species feign death when alarmed and some are double-brooded, especially when their hosts are so. Germanica, Panz, (parasitic on Andrena humilis), Billericay, Colchester district. Armata, H.-S. (on A. hattorfiana) ; local, on scabious ; Colchester district. Guttulata, Sch. (on A. cingulata) ; rare. The capture of a single specimen on May 23, 1903, at Gosfield, is recorded in the Ent. Mo. Mag. (Dec, 1903, p. 300) by its captor, A. Beaumont. Obtusifrons, Nyl. (on A. coitana), Fucata, Panz, (on A. fiavipes), Rufipes, F. (on A. fuscipes and denticulata), Colchester district. Flavopicta, K. (on A. denticulata), on ragwort and thistles, Billericay, Colchester district. Sexfasciata, Panz, (on Eucera longicornis), Colchester district (rare), Southend, Walton-on-Naze. Goodeniana, K. (on A. nigroaenea), common ; Billericay, etc. Marshamella, K. (on A. Jacobi and trimmerana) ; Billericay, Colchester district, Loughton, Hale End, Woodford. Lineola, Panz, (on A. car- bonaria and bimaculata) ; Billericay, Colchester district. Bifida, Thoms, (on A. albicans), Colchester district, Billericay. Hillana, K. (on A. wilkella) ; Billericay, Colchester district. Leucoph- thalma, K. (on A. clarkella and apicata) ; Colchester district. Ruficornis, L. (on A. fulva, helvola, fucata and synadelpha), common ; Billericay, Colchester district, Hale End, Woodford. Fabriciana, L. (on A. gwynana, . angustior and nigroaenea), Billericay, Chingford, Colchester district, Woodford. Flavo- guttata, K. (on A. minutula, and also probably nana and wilkella), Billericay, Colchester district. Furva, Panz, (on Halictus niti- diusculus), Billericay, Colchester district. Alboguttata, H.-S. (on A. argentata), rare ; Billericay. Argentata, H.-S. (on A. marginata). One on Alresford Grange Estate (B.S.H.).