SOLITARY BEES AND WASPS OF ESSEX. 93 Willughbiella, K., nests in decaying trees (especially willows), sometimes by thousands ; also in posts ; utilises rose and labur- num leaves, and is partial to flowers of the Campanulaceae and Compositae ; Billericay, Hale End, Colchester district, etc. ; one of the commonest of the genus and sometimes known as the willow bee. Circumcincta, K., nests in the ground ; local ; fond of bird's-foot trefoil, but forms its cells of rose-leaf cuttings; Billericay, Colchester district. Ligniseca, K., nests in dead wood ; local ; prefers thistles and knapweeds for feeding purposes and comes to wild geraniums in my garden, but uses elm and other leaves for its cells ; Billericay, Hale End, Colchester district. Centuncularis, L., probably the best known species, as it prefers rose leaves for its cells and nests in wood ; Billericay, Hale End, Colchester district, etc. Versicolor, Sm., nests in dead wood and uses rose leaves for its cells ; partial to Lotus and Inula, Colchester district. Argentata, F., nests in the ground, especially sandhills, and, like Maritima, essentially a coast insect ; flight exceedingly rapid and hum shrill ; frequents wild thyme, Lotus, Echium, etc. ; St. Osyth, Southend. Caelioxys, Latr. Parasitic on Megachile, and all possess the power of emitting an offensive odour, which probably protects them against birds and other insect eaters. Rufescens, Lep. (parasitic on M. circumcincta), local ; Colchester district. Elongata, Lep. (on M. maritima and willughbiella), Billericay, Colchester district. Acuminata, Nyl, (on M. centuncularis and versicolor). Common ; Hale End, Colchester district, etc. Anthidium, Fab. Utilises burrows formed by other insects in dead wood and lines them with the tomentum scraped off woolly plants such as Stachys sylvatica, Agrostemma coronaria (in gardens), etc. ; cells enclosed in a membrane. Manicatum, L. (Hoop-shaver Bee) ; male larger than the femaleā€”an unique instance amongst British bees ; visits Geranium, Ballota nigra, Lamium purpureum and other Labiates ; Billericay, Colchester district, Hale End, etc. ; common. Stelis, Panz. Parasitic on Osmia ; partial to the flowers of mallows and yellow Compositae. Aterrima, Panz, (on O. ventralis); Billericay, Colchester district. Phaeoptera, K. (on O. ventralis and caerulescens)., Billericay, Hale End, Colchester district ; rare. Osmia, Panz. A genus characterised by the diversity in nesting habits of its species. They collect pollen on the under-