VARIOUS NOTES ON BIRDS OF ESSEX. 23 1930. A brown-headed bird was seen on the Lea Valley Reservoirs on 2nd March, 1929. Goosander (Mergus m. merganser L.). Lea Valley Reservoirs, 15th February, 1929, 2 adult males and 7 brown-headed birds; 16th February, 1929, 1 adult male and 13 brown-headed birds; 2nd March, 1929, 1 brown-headed bird; Mr. R. W. Pethen tells me that he saw a pair on 29th March, 1929. Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator L.). The following were observed on the Blackwater between Mundon and Bradwell on 1st February, 1930:—Thirteen, of which 3 were adult males; one adult male and one brown-headed bird; and one adult male and two brown-headed birds. Smew (Mergus albellus L.). The birds, which frequent the Lea Valley Reservoirs, made an unusually prolonged stay in the winter of 1928-9, no doubt the result of the hard weather; Mr. R. W. Pethen informs me that an adult male was there as late as 14th April, 1929. Red-throated Diver (Colymbus stellatus Pontopp). A dead bird was found at the head of Lawling Creek, Blackwater, on 23rd February, 1930. Stock-Dove (Columba oenas L.). Mr. J. E. S. Dallas informs me that he found a nest with two young in the tower of Little Bardfield Church from 4-5th May, 1929. Ringed Plover (Charadrius h. hiaticula L.). Mr. J. P. Hardiman saw no less than thirty on 23rd September and one on 29th September, 1929, at the King George Reservoir. Much mud was exposed at the time. Turnstone (Arenaria i. interpres (L.)). Mr. T. H. Harrisson saw a party of seven on the Blackwater, near Bradwell, on 6th February, 1930, and Mr. J. W. Campbell saw a party on Mersea flats a few days later. Ruff (Philomachus pugnax (L.)). Mr. J. P. Hardiman saw one, probably a male, at the King George Reservoir on 4th October, 1929. Dunlin (Calidris alpina,? subspecies). Mr. J. P. Hardiman observed twenty-five on 23rd September and three on 29th September, 1929, at the King George Reservoir. I saw five at the same place on 12th October, 1929. Much mud was exposed at the time. Curlew-Sandpiper (Calidris testacea (Pall.)). Mr. J. P.