24 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Hardiman saw two on 23rd September, 1929, at the King George Reservoir. Common Redshank (Tringa f. totanus (L.)). Mr. G. Nicholson informs me of another inland nesting colony, quite distinct from that described by me as being between Upminster and Langdon. It is situated near Laindon and the recorder states that he knows that the Redshanks reared their young in the same field from 1907-1916; beyond the latter date Mr. Nicholson cannot be certain, but it is probable that they have nested annually, as the birds were present in 1929 and have again appeared this year, 1930, being first heard on 22nd March. Four pairs are the maximum noted in any one year. The Redshanks appear at the nesting ground about the end of March and depart during September. Greenshank (Tringa nebularia (Gunn.)). Two seen and heard at the Lea Valley Reservoirs on 24th August, 1929. Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa l. limosa (L.)). A male and female were seen at Pennyhole Fleet, Old Hall Marshes, on 3rd August, 1929. Common Curlew (Numenius a. arquata (L.)). One was identified at the Lea Valley Reservoirs on 2nd March, 1929. Black Tern (Chlidonias n. niger (L.)). An immature bird was seen resting on the mud in the King George Reservoir on 12th October, 1929. Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon n. nilotica (Gm.)). Since the publication of A History of the Birds of Essex, I have examined the specimen in Saffron Walden Museum and am able to confirm the correctness of the identification. A photograph of this rare bird is reproduced in Plate II. Little Tern (Sterna a. albifrons Pall). I visited the site of the fifth colony, that on the Blackwater, on 29th June, 1929, but found it completely deserted. Lesser Sooty Tern (Sterna anaethetus Scopoli). The specimen taken at the mouth of the Thames in 1875 was sold with three other birds for the small sum of 14s. at the sale of Mr. J. B. Nichols's collection on 11th June, 1929, and is now in the Booth Museum, Brighton. Little Crake (Porzana parva (Scop.)). The bird which was taken at Witham on 8th August, 1873, and sold at Stevens's on 19th January, 1910, passed into the collection of the late