VARIOUS NOTES ON BIRDS OF ESSEX. 27 Although this old entry does not prove that James Maiden carried on his trade at Felsted it may lead us to further infor- mation. HISTORICAL MATTER. From the Calendar of the Patent Rolls. 12 Edward II. (1319). part II, membrane 26d. February 12th, York. Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert de Maddyngle, Humphrey de Waledon and John de Bouwer on complaint by Jacomina de Merk that John de Lacheleye and many others (names given) entered her manor at Lyndesele, co. Essex, broke her houses and gates, fished in her stews and carried away the timber of the houses and gates as well as other goods and also her charters and muniments and 6 horses, 8 oxen, 4 cows, 116 sheep and two swans of the price of 60l. By K. From the Calendar of the Close Rolls. 33 Henry III. (1249). membrane 8. Re provision for the King's use. The Sheriff of Essex and Hertford is directed to obtain 10 swans, 12 peacocks, 500 hens, 200 pullets, 3000 eggs, 7 boars, 2 cranes and 10 fat pigs, wherever he can obtain them in his bailiwick, buying them for the King, so that he shall have them ready when the King shall send for them: and the King, when he knows the cost, etc. (i.e., of all the aforesaid) will make alloca- tion to him. Witnessed as above (i.e. at Clarendon, the 4th day of June). 33 Henry III. (1249). membrane 18. Re provision for the Feast of St. Edward. The Sheriff of Essex and Hertford is directed, as he values himself and all that he has, to buy in his bailiwick, to the King's use, 500 hens, 6 swans, 12 peacocks, 4 dozen pheasants, 8 dozen partridges, 60 hares, 50 rabbits, 5 boars, with heads well boiled and well pickled, 12 kids, and 2000 eggs, in readiness for the coming feast of St. Edward, and he is to have all the aforesaid conveyed to Westminster, so that they are there at the latest on the eve of the said feast. And when the King shall know the cost he will at once order allocation to be made. Witnessed by the King at Winchester, the 28th day of December.