THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 35 ORDINARY MEETING (667TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 22ND FEBRUARY, 1930. An Ordinary Meeting of the Club was held at 2.15 o'clock in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the President, Mr. D. J. Scourfield, I.S.O., F.L.S., etc., in the Chair. This being a purely formal meeting, held for the purpose of transacting routine business only (in view of the Jubilee Commemoration Meeting which was to follow immediately), but a small number of members attended. The undermentioned persons were elected to membership:— Miss C. McAlpine, of 32, Dyson Road, Leytonstone, E.11. Mr. Joseph W. Faulkner, of 3, King's Green, Loughton. Lt.-Col. Sir David Prain, C.M.G., CLE., F.R.S., etc., of The Well Farm, Warlingham, Surrey. The Hon. Secretary announced that Miss Willmott, Miss Hibbert-Ware, Mrs. Thompson and Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones were due to retire from the Council, in rotation, at the Annual Meeting. Mrs. Thompson did not seek re-election, and, in view of the Resolution passed at last year's Annual Meeting, her seat would not be filled. There were accor- dingly three vacant seats and nominations were invited to fill these. Mr. Avery nominated Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones for re-election to the Council; Miss G. Lister seconded the nomination. Mr. Barns nominated Miss Hibbert-Ware, Mr. Harley seconding. Mrs. Boyd Watt nominated Miss Willmott; Miss Heath seconded. There were no further nominations. Mr. Scourfield announced his intention to retire from the Presidential Chair at the Annual Meeting; he also announced that the Council nominated Lt.-Col. Sir David Prain, C.M.G., CLE., F.R.S., etc., as his successor. The President further announced that the Council nominated the other existing Officers of the Club for re-election to their several offices. There being a vacancy for a second auditor to examine the Club's accounts, owing to the resignation of Mr. W. H. Ryde, who had been appointed at the last Annual Meeting, the members were asked to elect a successor; it was intimated that Mr. Colney Campbell had expressed his willingness to serve in this capacity if elected. Mrs. Scourfield accord- ingly moved that Mr. Campbell be appointed second auditor. Miss Greaves seconded; on being put to the meeting, the motion was carried nem. con. The meeting was declared closed at 2.35 o'clock. VISIT TO CHINGFORD (668th MEETING), SATURDAY, 15TH MARCH, 1930. A party of some forty-five members and friends foregathered at 3 o'clock at the ruined "Old Church," now being restored under the care of Mr. Charles C. Winmill, F.R.I.B.A., who had kindly offered to demon- strate his plans for the restoration of the ancient edifice on the spot. It had been hoped that the rector of the parish, the Reverend C B. H. Knight, M.C., M.A., would also have been present to welcome the party, but the illness of his wife prevented this. To the visitors assembled in the still roofless nave of the ruined church Mr. Winmill exhibited the many photographs he had taken before, and