JUBILEE COMMEMORATION MEETING. 47 no fewer than 5,873 educational volumes are available for the use, not only of members of the Essex Field Club, but of the teaching staff of the Borough. The Corporation has always taken a warm interest in the Pictorial Survey of Essex—a collection of prints, photographs, etc., of all parts of the County, amassed by the Museum, which to-day comprises over 6,400 photographs, prints and maps (including some 670 of West Ham alone), mounted in over 40 albums. As I have already mentioned, the Library of the Museum comprises 5,873 bound volumes; and, in addition, some 2,400 pamphlets on scientific subjects are included. May I, on my own behalf, extend to you a warm welcome to West Ham. I do happen to know a little about the sub- jects in which you are interested. In my early days, if I had not dabbled in municipal administration, I might have made a good member of the Essex Field Club. I am sure you will all have a very interesting afternoon, and I hope those of you who are laymen will find the speeches both interesting and inspiring. In replying on behalf of the Club, the President remarked: My first duty, Mr. Mayor, is to welcome you in the name of the Essex Field Club. We are exceedingly grateful to you for your attendance here this afternoon at the Commemoration Meeting for the fiftieth anniversary of the Essex Field Club. To you, and to the other representatives of the Borough of West Ham, we are specially grateful for your support on this occasion. It is further evidence of the close connection which has existed for thirty-two years between the Field Club and the Borough of West Ham. Especially from the educational side we can claim that the Field Club is doing quite an excel- lent work in this district. Although not nominally an educa- tional society, I think the outlook and the work is really educa- tional. In these days of the mechanisation of everything in our daily life, it is a good thing that we should have societies of this type to look after the study of natural history, and biology in general, as well as various historical interests, and especially pre-historical, which we take under our charge. It is an excellent thing that this side of education should be represented in a borough such as that of West Ham.