it that their presence here is evidence that they realise that the
Club is fully maintaining the lofty ideals set before it by its foun-
ders, and that its work is really interesting and valuable from
a scientific point of view.
If time permitted I would like to talk about the history
and activities of the Field Club during the past fifty years, but
I must limit myself to a point or two.
The Club originated through the initiative of the late Mr.
W. Cole, and for forty years it had the advantage of his services
as secretary and curator and editor.
There is one other person whom we remember with deep
gratitude. I refer to Professor Meldola, the Club's first president.
Of many others who have devoted their time and abilities
to further the interests and activities of the Club in many ways
it is impossible to speak; but it owes much to its honorary
treasurer, Mr. John Avery, who was largely responsible for bring-
ing about a connection between the Field Club and the Cor-
poration of West Ham, and to whom we are indebted for the
magnificent display of Essex prints that adorn the North side
of this hall to-day.
In the short time at my disposal it is not possible for me to
speak in detail of the different phases of the work of the Club
but information on these points can be obtained by reference
to the publications of the Club, which are on the table in the
centre of the Hall, where you will find a complete set of the
publications of the Essex Field Club, including a pamphlet giving
full particulars of the Club.
I should just mention the fact that we have a Museum
in connection with this building which many of you have seen,
and those who have not should take the opportunity of seeing
it to-day.
I may say too that we have a very good Library—as has
been pointed out by the Mayor of West Ham,—and also that
the Club has undertaken work in the exploraton of pre-historic
sites in Essex which will bear comparison with any work of
the same kind in the country.
The Chairman then called upon the Countess of Warwick, who
said: I am standing here in a house of memories. My memory
goes back to the happy occasion in the year 1900, when I took
part with everyone in West Ham in the opening of this beau-