NOTES ON METHOCA ICHNEUMONIDES (LATR.). 65 During the winter, when the sand in the tumblers appeared to be getting dry on the surface, that portion which acted as support for the plates enclosing the central portion was removed and replaced by fresh damp sand. This kept that in the middle damp without the necessity of disturbing it and the enclosed cocoon. From the middle to the end of July of the following year (1929) there emerged three females and five males. The ninth cocoon was examined later in the year and found to contain a living larva which, I think, had intended to pass another winter in this state. Unfortunately it died later on, probably on account of the opening of the cocoon, so that this point remains for further elucidation. I have seen no reference to a similar case in this insect. The first male and female emerged at about the same time. They were fed on moist crystals of sugar and then transferred to a rectangular glass cage containing damp sand. The male at once noticed the female and seized her around the neck with his jaws. Standing over her he raised her thorax off the ground with his front legs and pairing was effected. The photograph illustrates the incident more graphically than I can describe it. I was kept busy from July 13th to 23rd supplying the female Methoca with Tiger Beetle larva; in the new subterraria. During this period she deposited 26 eggs. The number of eggs laid per day was regulated by my oppor- tunities for transferring her from one host to another after the deposition of each egg. Usually it was one egg in the morning and another in the evening. On July 20th, when I was at home all day, six eggs were deposited, and similarly on the next day four were obtained, so that both of us had a busy week-end. In order to facilitate the task on such days, besides providing the beetle larvae, I assisted in filling up the top of the shaft by bringing forward small pieces of earth which were accepted and used. As I was merely the labourer it was Methoca who announced knocking-off time, which was always about 8 p.m. summer time. If the last egg laid had been rather late and the task of filling in was not completed by this time the lady dug out a small cavity in one side of the shaft, in which she rested for the night. She