80 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. There remain two birds on the list that should have a brief notice, on account of their rarity in the district. The Goldfinch is uncommon near Gilwell, but on February 19th, 1928, Miss Lister and I heard and saw one outside Carrol's Farm near Daws Hill.2 The Siskin may often be seen during a spell of frost feeding among the alders at Higham's Park, which is just within the boundaries of the country covered by this article. LIST OF SPECIES OBSERVED. 1. Carrion-Crow. Corvus corone corone (L.). 2. Rook. Corvus frugilegus frugilegus (L.). 3. Jackdaw. Coloeus monedula spermologus (Vieill.). 4. Magpie. Pica pica pica (L.). 5. Jay. Garrulus glandarius rufitergum (Hart.). 6. Starling. Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris (L.). 7. Hawfinch. Coccothraustes coccothraustes coccothraustes (L.). 8. Greenfinch. Chloris chloris chloris (L.). 9. Goldfinch. Carduelis carduelis britannica (Hart.). 10. Siskin. Carduelis spinus (L.). 11. Lesser Redpoll. Carduelis linaria cabaret (P. L. S. Mull.). 12. Linnet. Carduelis cannabina cannabina (L.). 13. Bullfinch. Pyrrhula pyrrhula nesa (Math. and Ired.). 14. Chaffinch. Fringilla caelebs caelebs (L.). 15. Brambling. Fringilla montifringilla (L.). 16. House-Sparrow. Passer domesticus domesticus (L.). 17. Tree-Sparrow. Passer montanus montanus (L.). 18. Yellow-hammer. Emberiza citrinella citrinella (L.). 19. Reed-Bunting. Emberiza schoeniclus schoeniclus (L.). 20. Snow-Bunting. Plectrophenax nivalis nivalis (L.). 21. Skylark. Alauda arvensis arvensis (L.). 22. Tree-Pipit. Anthus trivialis trivialis (L.). 23. Meadow-Pipit. Anthus pratensis (L.). 24. Pied Wagtail. Motacilla alba yarrellii (Gould.). 25. Tree-Creeper. Certhia familiaris britannica (Ridgw.). 26. Nuthatch. Sitta europaea affinis (Blyth.). 27. Great Titmouse. Parus major newtoni (Prazak.). 28. Blue Titmouse. Parus coeruleus obscurus (Prazak.). 29. Coal Titmouse. Parus ater britannicus (Sharpe and Dress.). 2 On January 9th, 1931, I saw a party of 16 goldfinches eating alder seeds in Higham's Park, and on the following day I noticed two in a garden at Sewardstone.