ACCOUNT OF COLLEMBOLA AND THYSANURA. 119 Paratullbergia concolor mihi. A single specimen of this new species was found under loose bark. The genus and species were described in Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 10, vol. vi., p. 149, July, 1930. Family: Entomobryidae D.T. Sub-family: Isotominae Tom. Isotoma (Vertagopus) cinerea Nia A bluish black species, common under bark. Isotoma minor Schffr. A small white blind species. Was very plentiful in the leaf-carpet. Isotoma viridis Bourl. Common under bark. Sub-family: Tomocerinae (Schffr. Borner). Tomocerus minor Lubb. A common black species under bark; scaled. When rubbed yellowish. Sub-family: Entomobryinae Schffr. Isotomurus palustris Mull, The variety trifasciata Bourl. (aquatilis Lubb.) has been taken by Mr. Scourfield on the surface of ponds. Entomobrya albocincta Tempi. Common under bark. Entomobrya multifasciata Tlbg. Common under bark. Lepidocyrtus cyaneus Linn. A scaled form with bluish iridescence. Common under bark. Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus Bourl. Common under bark. Orchesella cincta Lubb. A large and striking species. Common under bark. Cyphoderus albinos Nic. A white blind species only found in ants' nests. Sub-order: Symphypleona Borner. Family: Sminthuridae Lubb. Sub-family: Sminthuridinae Borner. Sminthurides aquaticus Bourl. Taken by Mr. Scourfield on the surface of ponds. Sub-family: Sminthurinae Bourl. Sminthurinus aureus Lubb. A yellow species. Scarce in moss. Sub-family: Dicyrtominae Borner. Dicyrtomina minuta O.F. form ornata Lubb. Plentiful on fallen branches. The Thysanura or Bristle-tails comprise four very different families, only three of which are represented in Britain. These are the Machilidae, Lepismatidae and Campodidae. The first