136 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Vice- County. Radula complanata .. .. .. .. 18 β€” Madotheca platyphylla .. .. .. .. 18 β€” Frullania dilatata .. .. .. .. 18 β€” Note.β€”The two Essex vice-counties are separated "by the high road from Waltham and Epping to Chelmsford, and thence by the Blackwater river to the coast," vice-county 18 lying to the south of that line and vice-county 19 to its north. This arbitrary division has the grave defect that the natural area of the Epping Forest district, as defined by the Perambula- tion of 1642, is artificially cut into two, its southern portion lying in vice-county 18 and its northern portion in vice-county 19. It is therefore not always possible to say in which vice- county a given species occurs, where the exact locality is un- recorded. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. Presented to the Annual Meeting, March 28th, 1931. Ladies and Gentlemen, An old saying runs "Happy is the country that has no- history!" Perhaps, therefore, the fact that your Council has little of outstanding importance to present for your consideration to-day is significant of the uniform smoothness of the Club's progress during the past year, following upon the perturbed period of the celebration of our Jubilee in February of last year. The Council has to deplore the decease of a most respected member, Dr. F. M. Turner, in January last. Mrs. Turner has generously presented to the Club her late husband's collection of Diptera, which is exhibited this afternoon, in addition to various books and a large number (250) of microscopic prepara- tions. Death has also taken from us a very old member, Mr. W. B. Nichols, J.P., of Manningtree, to whom we owe the gift of many valuable bird specimens in past years. The decease of an octogenarian member, Mr. A. W. Mera, has resulted in the gift of his important collection of British Lepidoptera to the: Stratford Museum by his son.