THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 141 (seen in fruit), Lecidea granulosa and Lecidea uliginosa, the last two being soil-lichens which are the first colonists of bare earth and which had been found that day with abundant apothecia. Miss G. Lister, who was expected to act as referee for the myxomycetes, had been called away to another part of the country, and in her absence Mr. J. Ross kindly undertook the determination of the forms met with. He reported a yield of nineteen species of myxomycetes, belonging to eleven genera; his list was as follows:— Badhamia utricularis, Physarum nutans, Physarum bitectum, Fuligo septica, Craterium minutum, Craterium aureum, Didymium squamulosum, Didymium nigripes, Colloderma oculatum, Comatricha nigra, Comatricha pulchella, Enerthenema papillatum, Cribraria vulgaris, Trichia affinis, Trichia persimilis, Trichia varia, Trichia Botrytis, Arcyria denudata, Arcyria incarnata. In view of the dry weather, with occasional frosts, which had prevailed until the day of the Foray, this was a quite satisfactory yield. Mr. Ross remarked on the permanence in a given habitat of Colloderma, stating that, to his own knowledge, this species had appeared on a log in the Chingford district of the Forest for the past fifteen years without a break. On the invitation of the Chairman, Professor MacLuckie referred to the advantages which such a society as the Essex Field Club gave to individual nature lovers ; he said that in Australia naturalists felt very isolated, whereas in England it seemed to him that they were "in thousands," and, judging by his experiences that day, all very keen. He remarked how the Birch colonized Forest land after competing trees had been cleared away by a forest fire, and said that in Australia, in similar circum- stances, pure groups of Acacias spring up just as Birches do here. The usual votes of thanks to our conductors concluded an interesting, if somewhat damp, expedition. ORDINARY MEETING (679TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 29TH NOVEMBER, 1930. The second meeting of the Winter Session was held as usual in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Strat- ford, at 3 o'clock on the above afternoon, with the President, Sir David Prain, C.M.G., C.L.L., F.R.S., etc., in the Chair. Fifty-four members and visitors were present. The undermentioned ladies and gentlemen were elected members of the Club:— Mr. G. E. L. Denne, Borough Librarian, Ilford. The Rev. D. C. Evans, of 45, Colombo Road, Ilford. Mr. W. D. Graddon, B.Sc., of 44, King's Avenue, Woodford Green. Miss Phyllis Huntington, of S, Emerson Road, Ilford. Miss Edith M. Langman, B.Sc., of 108, Woodlands Avenue, Wanstead, E. 11.