THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 149 Mrs. H. R. Salmon, of 47, Valentine's Road, Ilford, and Miss A. B. Whit- worth, M.Sc., of 58, Wilmington Gardens, Barking, were elected members of the Club. Mr. Avery exhibited 21 topographical illustrations of Dagenham and East Ham, comprising watercolour and wash drawings and prints, from his own collection. Miss Lister referred to the recent occurrence of a Bewick's Swan on the "Perch Pond" and the "Basin" at Wanstead and on Wanstead Flats and exhibited a coloured sketch she had prepared of the heads of the three species of Swan which occur in this country. She also exhibited (in the Museum) coloured sketches and specimens of various Crocus species (versicolor, imperati, tommasinianus, aureus, susianus and biflorus) which are grown in spring gardens, and gave an account of their geographical distribution. Miss Lister also showed some exquisite photographs of "ice-flowers" on the lake at Davos. The Curator exhibited a collection of Diptera made by our lately deceased member, Dr. F. M. Turner, which had kindly been presented to the Stratford Museum by Mrs. Turner. He also showed, as an addendum to Mr. Avery's exhibit, 15 photographs of Dagenham, chiefly of Valence House. Thanks were passed to the donor and exhibitors. The business of the Annual Meeting was then taken. With the approval of the meeting, the minutes of the last annual meeting were taken as read. The Report of the Council for 1930 was read by the Hon. Secretary; on the motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Price, the report was received and adopted nem. diss. The Hon. Treasurer presented his statement of the Club's accounts for 1930, which showed a deficit on the year of £29..18, due almost entirely to the expenses of the Celebration of the Jubilee of the Club, and formally moved that the accounts be received and adopted. Mr. Barns, in seconding, congratulated the Hon. Treasurer on the way in which, notwithstanding his physical disability, he had presented the accounts. The motion was carried nem. con. A ballot was then taken for new members of the Council, there being seven candidates nominated for five vacancies; the President appointed Mr. C. H. Crouch and Miss E. M. Heath to act as scrutineers. At a later stage of the proceedings, the scrutineers presented their Certificate of the result of the ballot, which showed that Mr. Main had received 43 votes, Mr. Mothersole 42, Mr. Owen 31, Mr. Keeves 26, Mr. Daun 21, Mr. Gilles 19 and Mr. Shenstone 18 votes, The President thereupon declared that Messrs. Main, Mothersole, Owen, Keeves and Daun had been duly elected members of the Council. The existing Officers of the Club, having been duly nominated at the meeting on February 28th, and 110 further nominations having been received, were declared to be re-elected to their several offices, viz.:— President: Sir David Prain, C.M.G., C.I.E., F.R.S., etc. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. John Avery, F.C.A.