168 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. C. Terrestrial types. From the upper part of the causeway, above the average water-level ; 16 species. Goniodiscus rotundatus Carychium minimum (Mull.) (Mull.) Helicella cellaria (Mull.) Pupilla muscorum (Linn.) Trochulus hispidus (Linn.) Arion spp. Arianta arbustorum (Linn.) Vallonia excentrica (Sterki) Cepaea nemoralis (Linn.) Cochlicopa lubrica (Mull.) Vertigo antivertigo (Drap.) Punctum pygmaeum ,, pygmaea (Drap.) (Drap.) ,, angustior (Jeff.) Zonitoides nitidus (Mull.) Helix aspersa (Mull.) Vertigo angustior is unknown in a living state in Essex, but is abundant in many Holocene deposits. LIST OF REFERENCES, 1. F. C. J. Spurrell, Arch. Jour., 1885, XLII, 269-302 ; 1889, XLVI, 75-6 ; 1890, XLVII, 43-7, 170. Pr. Geol. Ass., 1889-90, XI, 210-28. 2. M. A. C. Hinton, Lakes and Rivers, 1924, p. 78. 3. W. H. Dalton, Essex Naturalist, 1909-11, XVI, 97. C. R. Smith, Arch. Cantiana, 1880, XIII, 494. 4. R. E. M. Wheeler, R.C.H.M. England, London, III (Roman London), 1928, p. 14. 5. F. Haverfield, J. Roman Studies, 1911, I, 141 ; 1912, II, 201. The Roman Occupation of Britain, 1924, p. 96. See also, H. Ormsby, London on the Thames, 1924. pp. 1-69 ; W. Page, London, 1929, pp. 1-16; W. R. Lethaby, Londinium, 1923, p. 228. 6. R. E. M. Wheeler, Antiquity, 1929, III, 20-32. Loudon in Roman Times, 1930 (London Mus. Cat. No. 3), pp. 12, 35 (London Mus.). 7. Spurrell, op. cit. ; Wheeler, op. cit. ; Ormsby, op. cit. T. Codrington, Surrey Arch. Coll., 1915, XXVIII, 111-63. 8. A. H. Cocks, F.S.A. Lond., ser. 2, 1895-6, XVI, 7-15 (Aylesbury Mus.). 9. A. H. Cocks, loc. cit. V. C. H. Berkshire, 1906, I, 198, 205. The Antiquary, XXVII, 137. (Reading Mus.) Q.J. Berks, Arch. S„ III, 28, 29. H. Peake, Archeology of Berkshire, 1931, p. 97. 10. J. W. Kenworthy, Essex Naturalist, 1900, XI, 94. V.C.H. Essex, 1903, I, 270. R.C.H.M. Essex, 1921, II, 35. (Essex Mus.). 11. C. Duncombe, J. Anthrop. Inst., 1898-9, n.s., I, 150-54. J. Spink, Pr. Yorks, Geol. Polyt. S., 1895, n.s., XIII, 21-24. J. L. Kirk and H. A. Ormerod, Yorkshire Arch. J., 1930, XXX, ii, pt. 118. F. Elgee, Early Man in North-east Yorkshire, 1930, p. 183. 12. Spurrell, op. cit. Clement Reid, Submerged Forests, 1913, p. 13. 13. Spurrell, op. cit. Wheeler, op, cit. R.C.H.M. Essex, 1923, IV, 38-9.