182 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Jackdaw, Coloeus monedula spermologus (Vieill.) Complete .. 4 Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 0 Total .. 4 Ref.: The Birds of Essex (Christy); The Field, vol. 12, p. 16. Starling. Sturnus v. vulgaris L. Unrecorded. Complete .. 11 1 (eyes red) Complete partial 2 Partial .. .. 11 5 (4 symmetrical, 1 Feb., 2 July, 1 Aug.) Total .. 24 Ref.: The Birds of Essex (Christy); The Zoologist, 1866, p. 32 ; The Field, vol. 41, p. 586, vol. 142, p. 919; The Naturalist (Morris), vol. 2, p. 204 ; The Essex Nat. vol. 9, p. 224 ; The Field, vol 41, p. 586; vol. 133, p. 157; vol. 142, p. 919; British Birds (Mag.), vol. 24, p. 133. Greenfinch. Chloris c. chloris (L.) Complete .. 0 Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 1 Total .. 1 Ref.: The Birds of Essex (Christy). Twite. Carduelis f. flavirostris (L.) Complete .. 1 Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 0 Total .. 1 Ref.: Shooting Times, 22.11.1902.