186 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Fieldfare. Turdus pilaris L. Unrecorded. Complete .. 0 Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 2 1 (Symm., May) Total .. 2 Ref.: The Birds of Essex (Christy). Mistle-Thrush. Turdus v. viscivorus L. Complete .. 0 Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 3 Total .. 3 Ref.: The Essex Nat., vol. 4, p. 124, Vol. 15, p. 259. British Song-Thrush. Turdus philomelus clarkei Hart. Complete .. 1 Complete partial 1 Partial .. .. 0 Total . . 2 Ref.: The Birds of Essex (Christy); A History of the Birds of Essex. Blackbird. Turdus m. merula L. Unrecorded. Complete .. 5 Complete partial 1 Partial .. .. 30 4 (3 symm., 1 March, 1 Nov., 2 Dec.) Total .. 36 Ref.: Albin's A Nat. Hist. of Birds ; The Birds of Essex (Christy); The Mag. of Nat. Hist and Nat. (Morris), p. 52 ; The Essex Nat., vol. 19, pp. 14, 171, vol. 20, p. 45; Nature Notes, vol. 13, p. 36; The Field, vol. 89, p. 28; Felsted School Scientific Soc, Report No. 25; A Cat. of the Birds of the Stour Valley, W. B. Nichols, Proceed. Suffolk Inst. of Arch. and Nat. Hist., vol. 16, p. 167.