HETEROCHROSIS IN ESSEX BIRDS AND THEIR EGGS. 189 Red-throated Diver. Colymbus stellatus Pontopp. Complete .. 0 Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 1 Total .. 1 Ref.: Zoologist, 1862, p. 8002. Wood Pigeon. Columba p. palumbus L. Complete .. 1 Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 2 Total .. 3 Ref.: The Birds of Essex (Christy); The Field, vol. 95, p. 266; A History of the Birds of Essex. Golden Plover. Charadrius apricarius (sub. sp.?). Complete .. 0 Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 1 Total .. 1 Ref.: The Field, vol. 37, p. 359. Lapwing. Vanellus vanellus (L.). Complete .. 0 Complete partial 1 Partial .. 1 Total .. 2 Ref.: A History of the Birds of Essex ; The Field, vol. 153, p. 72. Knot. Calidris c. canutus (L.). Complete .. 1 Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 0 Total .. 1 Ref.: Zoologist, 1851, p. 3116.