196 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. variety of the Common Partridge has been long known, and was separated under the name of Perdix montana Brisson. These examples of the Partridge are said to be variable. MELANISM. Bullfinch. Pyrrhula pyrrhula subsp.? Complete .. 1 Became black in confinement, having been fed on hempseed. Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 0 Total .. 1 Ref.: The Birds of Essex (Christy). Brambling. Fringilla montifringilla L. Complete .. 0 Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 1 Head, neck and throat entirely black. Total .. 1 Ref.: The Birds of Essex (Christy). House Sparrow. Passer d. domesticus (L.). Complete .. 1 Unrecorded. Described as black. Decem- ber. Complete partial 0 Partial .. .. 0 Total . . 1 Fieldfare. Turdus pilaris L. Complete .. 0 Complete partial 1 Partial . , .. 0 Total .. 1 Ref.: The Birds of Essex (Christy). Redwing. Turdus musicus L. Complete .. 1 Captured in Jan., apparently normal, and on moulting in August became a perfect black.