200 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Skylark. Alauda a. arvensis L. C/4, lovely red eggs, Upminster, June, 1907, F. C. Hiden, Ref.: A History of the Birds of Essex. Blackbird. Turdus m. merula L. Clutch of pink eggs, Stour Valley, 1922. Ref.: A. History of the Birds of Essex. Lapwing. Vanellus vanellus (L.). C/3, C/4, dark red ground, both Pitsea. Ex E. Bidwell's collection. Ref.: British Birds (Mag.), vol. 7, p. 255. Common Redshank. Tringa t. totanus (L.). C/3, dark red, Stanford-le-Hope. Ex E. Bidwell's collection. Ref.: British Birds (Mag.), vol. 7, p. 256. UNPLACED ABERRATIONS. Linnet. Carduelis c. cannabina- (L.). A nest of pale blue unspotted eggs found once near Felsted. Ref.: Felsted School Scientif. Soc. Report No. 25. British Bullfinch. Pyrrhula -p. nesa Math, and Ired. A set of very pale blue eggs of which one shows a faint red zone at the large end was found in 1911, Felsted. Ref.: Felsted School Scientif. Soc. Report No. 25. Chaffinch. Fringilla c. coelebs L. C/5, pale blue colour, unspotted, Harwich, 20 May, 1896. Ref.: A 'History of the Birds of Essex. Yellow Bunting. Emberiza c. citrinella L. C/4, ground-colour Bullfinch blue, with faint underlying lilac markings ; and surface spots, and lines of sepia and sienna, Chelmsford, May, 1920. Ref.: Bulletin, Brit. Ornith, Club., vol. 41, p. 84. Reed-Bunting. Emberiza s. schoeniclus (L.). Eggs very variable in colouring, Felsted. Ref.: Felsted School Scien. Soc. Report No. 25. Tree-Pipit. Anthus t. trivialis (L.). C/5, pale blue, absolutely unmarked, 24 May, 1922, Felsted. C/3, pale blue, absolutely unmarked, 1924, Felsted. C/5, most unusual green type, ground colour pale olive green with greenish-brown markings. C/3, similar, laid by same bird, 1925, Felsted. Ref.: Felsted School Scientif. Soc. Report No. 25. Spotted Flycatcher. Muscicapa s. striata (Pall.). It is recorded that in most years there has been a bird laying