216 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. has built for himself—largely through Faraday's labours—is capable of supplying the needs of the whole of mankind. But of what use is it all if the displaced unemployed man has not the wherewithal to share in the consumption of the goods produced ? We await the advent of a worthy successor to Faraday, who will point the way to the utilisation of this productive power to the greatest advantage of every individual man and woman. REPORT OF THE CLUB'S DELEGATE TO THE CONFERENCE OF DELEGATES OF CORRES- PONDING SOCIETIES, BRITISH ASSOCIATION MEETING IN LONDON, 1931. By D. J. SCOURFIELD, I.S.O., F.L.S., etc. THE Conference of Delegates of Corresponding Societies held this year in connection with the meeting of the British Association in London should have a special interest for members of the Essex Field Club in that it was under the Presi- dency of our past President, Sir Arthur Smith Woodward. Fur- thermore, Sir Arthur's Presidential Address on "Geology as a subject for local Societies" was one which should give us much encouragement to continue and extend the geological side of our activities, for it was directed very largely to pointing out the possibility and great value of local geological work on lines which we have in the past endeavoured, at any rate, to carry out to the best of our ability. At the commencement of his address, Sir Arthur said that although in most branches of science the technicalities were becoming so alarming that it is very difficult for the layman to understand them, geology and geography still gave ample scope for field observations by those who were not necessarily specialists. To watch for new openings of the ground wherever being made so that corrections of previous conclusions on the geological structure of the district may be obtained ; to watch the working faces of quarries, especially for fissures in which animal remains of later date may have been embedded ; to watch the workings in gravel pits for chance fossils and imple- ments and for pebbles foreign to the general mass ; to watch for