250 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. centres, and amongst them our Essex Museum has had its share [thanks to the writer.—Ed.] The eighteen species before us that represent our share in the harvest, well displayed on sheets and in glass-covered cases, belong to twelve different genera. All but one are natives of the northern hemisphere, yet they are fairly representative of the chief families of Conifers ; the following is a list of their names with the geographical distribution of each species. Pinus radiata, "Monterey Pine," native only on the Monterey Peninsula of California. Pinus Ayacahuite, "Mexican White Pine," on mountain slopes from Mexico south to Guatemala. Abies nobilis, "Noble Pine," from coastal mountains, Washington State south to California. Abies lasiocarpa "Alpine Fir," from Alaska to New Mexico and South Colorado. Abies cilicica, "Cilicican Fir," from Asia Minor to the Lebanon Mountains. Abies Forrestii, "Forrest's Fir," from the Lichiang Range in South-West China. Picea Morinia, "West Himalayan Spruce," from Afghanistan, through the West Himalayas to Nepal. Picea orientalis, "Oriental Spruce," from the mountains of Asia Minor to the Caucasus. Picea jezoensis, "Yezo Spruce," from Japan, Amurland, Korea and Manchuria. Tsuga Paltoniana, "Mountain Hemlock," from South Alaska to the Californian coast. Cedrus atlantica, "Atlas Cedar," from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and Algeria. Sciadopitys verticillata, "Umbrella Pine," from mountain valleys in the Island of Hondo, Japan. Sequoia gigantea, "Big Wood," found in scattered groves in the Sierra Nevada, California. Cryptomeria japonica, "Japanese Cedar," from China and Japan. Athrotaxis selaginoides, "King William's Pine," from the mountains of West Tasmania. Tetraclinis articulata, "Alerce," from Morocco, Algeria and Malta.