256 REPORT OF THE COUNCIL Presented to the Annual Meeting, March 19th, 1932. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Council reports with great satisfaction that the normal activities of the Club have continued unabated during the past year, and that the interest of members in our meetings has been well maintained. Fourteen meetings in all have been held, with satisfactory attendances ; we have gratefully to acknowledge hospitality extended by Lord Noel-Buxton, the Rev. A. R. Thurlow and Mrs. Thurlow, and the Rev. R. Bren and Mrs. Bren to visiting parties of members on our various outdoor meetings. Thanks are also due to Mrs. Hatley, Miss Lister, Mr. Harley, Mr. Salmon, Mr. Lambert and Mr. Crouch for organising and conducting field meetings in various parts of the county. The Club had the pleasure of inviting a party of members of the Geologists' Association to inspect the Stratford Museum in January last, when our guests were received by the President and were entertained to tea by the Club. Stratford Museum. The work of the Club's principal museum has proceeded steadily throughout the year. The Pictorial Survey collection has been enriched by various pur- chases of prints and photographs and now comprises a total of 8,060 mounted items ; in addition, there is a considerable number as yet unmounted, owing to pressure of work in other directions : but 450 items have been mounted during the year. The Library has increased considerably : 59 volumes have been generously added (by purchase) by the Corporation of West Ham, 113 volumes have been presented, either by gift or in exchange, and 87 volumes have been bound during the year, making a total of 6,280 volumes now in the Library. To afford a better conception of the wealth of the Library in scientific journals and so stimulate members to draw more largely upon the stores of literary matter available for their use for home borrowing, your Council appends a list of periodicals in the Library, of which sets are complete to daie from their commencement, viz. :— Annals of Scottish Natural History (1892-1911), afterwards continued as The Scottish Naturalist. Antiquity.