REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. 257 Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society—Reports and Proceedings, Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society—Proceedings. British Association Reports. British Birds. Colchester Corporation Museum Reports. Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club—Proceedings. Dove Marine Laboratory Reports. East Anglian Notes and Queries. Journal of Ecology. Entomologists' Annual. Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation. Entomologists' Weekly Intelligencer and The Weekly Entomologist. Essex Archaeological Society's Transactions. Do. Feet of Fines for Essex. Essex Field Club—Transactions and Proceedings. The Essex Naturalist. The Essex Review. Felsted School Scientific Society Reports. Folk-Lore. The Geologist and The Geological Magazine. The Geological Record. Geological Society of London's Geological Literature. Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society—Proceedings. Hertfordshire Natural History Society—Transactions. The Irish Naturalist (ceased publication in 1924). Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society—Transactions and Reports. London and Middlesex Archaeological Society—Transactions and Reports of Evening Meetings. London Natural History Society's Transactions. Man (published by The Anthropological Institute). Royal Microscopical Society's Journal. The Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science. The Midland Naturalist. The Museums Journal. Natural Science. The Naturalist (Beverley and F. O. Morris). Nature. Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society's Transactions. Northants Natural History Society's Journal. Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne Natural History Society's Transactions. Palaeontographical Society's Monographs. Perthshire Natural Science Society's Transactions and Proceedings. Prehistoric Society of East Anglia—Proceedings. Quekett Microscopical Society's Journal. Ray Society Monographs. Royal Society of London's Proceedings, Series B. Science Gossip. The Scottish Naturalist (following Annals of Scottish Natural History). Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society's Transactions.