260 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. of the gravity of the position. Notwithstanding the hindrance to the routine work of the Forest Museum thus caused, Mrs. Vera Smith has done her best to maintain the display of wild flowers and reports that she has exhibited over 80 different forms ; the thanks of the Club are due to her for her efforts in somewhat discouraging circumstances. Two further Parts of the Essex Naturalist have appeared, at regular six-monthly intervals, during the year, and the Editor ventures to hope that the scientific quality of the matter printed has suffered no deterioration from earlier issues. Mr. Barns has, in spite of ill health, issued further regular instalments of his "General Index," and the Club owes him grateful thanks for his onerous labours. In conclusion, your Council wishes to express its appreciative thanks to all who have, in whatever way, contributed to the well- being of the Club and the efficiency of its work. In this connec- tion the Council would remind members that the difficult financial times through which the country, as well as individuals, has been passing have resulted in a number of resignations, which it is urgently desirable to make good by the introduction of new recruits; and confidently looks to members to relieve it of any anxiety on this point. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ORDINARY MEETING (692ND MEETING). SATURDAY, 31ST OCTOBER, 1931. The first Winter Meeting was held at 3 o'clock on the above afternoon in the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the President, Sir David Prain, C.M.G., CLE., F.R.S., in the Chair. The attendance was unusually sparse, only 35 members being present. By instruction of the Council, the Hon. Secretary read an appeal, issued by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, for financial aid in effecting the purchase of the well-known pargetted "Sun Inn" at Saffron Walden. Mrs. F. R. Newton, of 4, Priestwood Mansions, 284, Archway Road, Highgate, N.6 ; Miss Jessie Dodd, B.A., of "Rosemary," Queen's Avenue, Maldon ; and Mr. Fred E. Butcher, of High Roding, Dunmow, were elected Members of the Club. Mr. Avery exhibited six black and white early drawings by Major Bamford, representing the churches of Great and Little Wakering, Barling and North and South Shoebury.