264 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Miss Lister has also furnished the following report on the myxomycetes found on the occasion of the Fungus Foray on October 10th, 1931 :— About half an inch of rain had fallen during the previous week, which no doubt had aroused a number of plasmodia from the "sclerotium" or resting stage. Twenty-two species of Mycetozoa were recorded, but no specimen of Badhamia utricularis, one of the most characteristic of the Forest species, was seen, although prostrate logs clothed with its favourite food, Stereum hirsutum, were plentiful. The following is a list of the species found :— Physarum nutans, Pers., on dead wood and leaves. P. bitectum, Lister, on dead holly leaves. Fuligo septica (L.) Gmel. ; several weathered aethalia were seen. Craterium minutum (Leers) Fries. ; weathered, on dead leaves. Didymium squamulosum (A. and S.) Fries. On dead holly leaves. Colloderma oculatum (Lippert) G. Lister. On living trees ; fresh sporangia continued to emerge during the succeeding three weeks on a piece of bark brought back and kept moist indoors. Stemonitis fusca Roth and S. ferruginea Ehrnb., both matured from white plasmodia brought indoors. Comatricha nigra (Pers.) Schroet, was found in all stages from youth to maturity. C. typhoides (Bull.) Rost. Abundant in dead wood. Licea pusilla Schrad. Sporangia have continued to develop on fragments of dead wood clothed with gelatinous algae that have been kept moist since they were collected on the day of the foray. This species was first recorded for Essex on the occasion of the last Fungus Foray a year ago. Reticularia Lycoperdon Bull. A typical large silvery aethalium was found, and also a small rusty-brown form half an inch across (the latter has been described by M. Ch. Meylan, in the Jura, as a distinct species, if. jurana, but hardly on sufficient grounds). Lycogala epidendrum (L.) Fries. Both mature and immature aethalia were found. Trichia varia Pers, was seen in great quantity in all stages of development. T. persimilis Karsten, T. decipiens (Pers.) Macb. and T. Botrytis Pers, were also found on dead wood. Arcyria cinerea (Bull.) Pers., A. pomiformis (Leers) Rost., A. incarnata Pers., A. denudata (L.) Wettst, and A. nutans were seen on decayed wood. 694TH ORDINARY MEETING. SATURDAY, 28TH NOVEMBER, 1931. This meeting was held, as usual, in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, the President, Sir David Prain, C.M.G., CLE., F.R.S., in the chair. 53 members and visitors were present. The following were elected members of the Club, viz. :— Mr. Rupert Coles, B.A., of 53, Earlham Grove, Forest Gate, E.7. Mr. A. W. Headley, of 11, Seagry Road, Wanstead, E.11. Mr. H. A. Darling and Mrs. G. A. Darling, of 196, Cranbrook Road, Ilford.