THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 267 Hicks Chapel. The beautiful monument to members of the Hillersdon family on the S. wall, the work of the celebrated sculptor, Flaxman, which represents a most gracefully modelled girl reading an open book, was generally admired. The vicar has hung a number of framed prints and drawings of the Church, and portraits of old-time worthies associated with it, on the walls, with special lighting arrangements to permit of their easy inspection ; but he was careful to explain that these historical adjuncts are masked during the celebration of Divine Service so as not to distract the attention of worshippers. The Church Plate, nearly all of which is of late 18th century date, was displayed for the visitors' inspection. At 4.45 o'clock the party adjourned to the Old Vicarage, built by John Strype (in part, apparently, at his own expense) and now used as a Church House, where they were kindly entertained at tea by the vicar and Mrs. Bren. The Hon. Secretary, on behalf of the visitors, thanked Mr. Bren for his delightful account to which they had listened in the church and also expressed the thanks of the party to him and to Mrs. Bren for their kindly hospitality. After a contribution had been made to the fund for the restoration of the roof of the church, now urgently necessary, the visitors took their leaves at shortly after 5.30 o'clock. ORDINARY MEETING (697TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 27TH FEBRUARY, 1932. The fourth meeting of the Winter Session was held, as usual, in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the West Ham Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, at 3 o'clock on the above afternoon, Sir David Prain, C.M.G., CLE., F.R.S., etc., President, in the Chair. 42 members and visitors attended. Mr. Alfred George Francis, O.B.E., B.A., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., F.S.A., of 20, Beacon Hill, Camden Road. N.7, was elected a member of the Club. In anticipation of the approaching Annual Meeting, nominations were made for new members of Council; The Hon. Secretary reported that Messrs. Bestow, Benham, Crouch and Harley were due to retire, in rotation, and invited nominations from those present. Mr. Main nominated Mr. Charles Bestow, Mrs. Boyd Watts seconding. Mr. Barns nominated Mr. W. Gurney Benham ; Mr. Avery seconding. Mr. Thorrington nominated Mr. L. S. Harley, Mr. Glegg seconding. Mr. Avery nominated Mr. C. Hall Crouch ; Mr. Harley seconding. No further nominations were made. The Hon. Secretary announced, amid applause, that Sir David Prain having, at the unanimous request of the Council, consented to serve as President for a third year, if elected, the Council accordingly nominated him for re-election to that office. The Council also nominated the existing officers of the Club for re-election to their several offices. No further nominations were made. Miss G. Lister exhibited an example of the so-called "cock's nest" of the Common Wren, the exact purpose of which is doubtful. Mr. Mothersole, commenting on this exhibit, said that he had seen a similar