IV. Dalton, W. H., obituary notice, 41. Darling, H. A., and Mrs. G. A., elected members, 264. Denne, G. E. L., elected a member, 141. Dennis, A. W., exhibits Salvinia and Azolla, 29 ; presents photo- graphs of Earls Colne and Twin- stead, 261. Dent, G., Garganey at Nazing, 60. Diatomaceous earth exhibited, 32. Difflugia exhibited, 29. Diptera, Dr. Turner's collection presented, 149. Discovery of Grave-Slab of John Strype, 255. Dodd, Miss J., elected a member, 260. Dormouse (Glis glis) exhibited, 31. Dovercourt, Alpine Swift at, 87. Dragon-flies, biological notes on, 33. Eel-pouts, young, tenacity of life of, 60. Eledone cirrosa at Frinton, 274. Entomostraca as illustrating bio- logical problems, 2. Epping Forest, Collembola and Thysanura of, 116. Epping Forest, new Collembola in, 137. Essex Bird Notes, 128. Essex Birds, Heterochrosis in, 171. Essex, Ferns of, lecture on, 145. Essex shepherd, photograph pre- sented, 32. Essex, some aspects of, 100 Years Ago, 143. Essex, various notes on the Birds of, by W. E. Glegg, 18. Evans, Rev. D. C, elected a mem- ber, 141. Exoascus turgidus galls exhibited, 33. Faraday and his Influence on our Everyday Life, 206. Faulkner, J. W., elected a member, 35. Ferns of Essex, lecture on, 145. Foraminifera, etc., from Leigh, exhibited, 29. Forged neolithic implements ex- hibited, 33. Francis, A. G., O.B.E., F.S.A., etc., On Subsidence of the Thames Estuary since the Roman Period, 151 ; elected a member, 267. Fungus Forays, 96, 229. Further Notes on Methoca ichneu- monides, 63. Garganey at Nazing, 60. Gilles, W. S., Mera Collection of British Lepidoptera, 125. Glegg, William E., Various Notes on the Birds of Essex, 18 ; Heterochrosis in Essex Birds and in their eggs, 171. Goldfish, exhibit of, 28. Graddon, W. D., B.Sc., elected a member, 141. Grays chalk quarries, visit to, 91. Great Canfield, visit to, 220. Guest, J., exhibits Nostoc, 29. Hacon, Miss L., elected a member, 39 Halton, H. C, exhibits foramini- fera, etc., from Leigh. 29. Hannah, John, elected a member, 28. Hatfield Broad Oak, visit to, 225. Hatfield Forest visited, 225. Hatley, Mrs., exhibits topographi- cal sketches, 265 ; exhibits Sep- tarian nodule, 268. Headley, A. W., elected a member, 264. Hepatics of Essex, list of the, 135. Heterochrosis in Essex Birds and in their eggs, 171. Heterophylly, Notes on, 120. Hibbert-Ware, Miss A., exhibits water-plants, 28 ; exhibits and presents leaves of Hypericum bitten by Megachile, 32 ; ex- hibits seedlings of Alisma, 39 ; exhibits pellets of Buzzard, 39 ; Bird-life near Gilwell Park, 67. Hicks, Mrs. K. E., elected a mem- ber, 265. Highbeach, literary and other associations of, 100. Highbeach, visit to, 218. Hills, Alfred, Essex Bird Notes, 128. History, Botanical Study and, 231. History in Botanical Study, 101. Holland, Miss G. L, elected a member, 31. Horndon-on-the-Hill, visit to, 93. Horn, Percy, exhibits and des- cribes Goldfish, 28. Huntington, Miss P., elected a member, 141. Influence of Faraday on our Everyday Life, 206.