vi. Prionus coriarius, larva of, ex- hibited, 143. Kay Society Memoirs presented, 28. Red-throated Diver at Wanstead, 60. Ricciocarpus natans exhibited, 142. Roothings, visit to the, 220. Russell, Misses D. and E., elected members, So. Salmon, J., Some Aspects of Essex, 100 Years Ago, 143 ; describes Stock windmill, 223 ; describes Barling windmill, 22S ; exhibits photographs of windmills, 265. Salmon, Mrs. H. R., elected a member, 149. Salvinias auriculata and natans exhibited, 29. Scarlet Hopper at Buckhurst Hill, j 274. Scourfield, D. J., Some Biological Problems as illustrated by the Entomostraca, 2 ; exhibits water fleas, 29 ; exhibits diatomaceous earth, 32 ; exhibits Wolffia, 32 ; exhibits Paramecium, 33 ; pre- sents diatomaceous earth, 39 ; reports of British Association Meetings, 9.8, 216, 261; exhibits Zygogonium ericetorum, 139 ; exhibits Ricciocarpus natans, 142 ; exhibits Carteria, 143 ; exhibits Linnescope, 261 ; exhibits Palae- monetes, 261 ; exhibits branchlets of Oak, 265. Sewardstone, visit to, 89. Sherrin, W. R., List of True Mosses of Essex, 129 ; List of Hepatics of Essex, 135. Sloughed Skin of Grass Snake pre- sented, 33. Smith, Louis, elected a member, 33. Some Aspects of Essex, 100 Years Ago, 143. Some Biological Problems as illus- trated by the Entomostraca, 2. Southchurch, Subsidence since Roman Period at, 151. South-Eastern Union Congress— Delegate's Report, 32. Squirrel, American Grey, 145. Stanford-le-Hope, visit to, 93. Stigeoclonium exhibited, 29. Stock, visit to, 222 ; description of windmill at, 223. Strype, John, discovery of grave- slab, 255. Subsidence of the Thames Estuary, 151. Swallow's nest presented, 143. Swans, talk on, 149. Swiss phanerogams exhibited, 39. Syms, E. E., Some Biological Notes on Dragon-flies, 33 ; British Snake-flies (Raphidia), 82 ; Panorpids (Scorpion-flies), 265. Thames Estuary, Subsidence since the Roman Period, 151. Theydon Garnon ramble, 94. Thompson, Percy, exhibits topo- graphical views of Essex, 29, 32, 33. 39, 139, 142. 143. 149, 271 ; exhibits Barn-Owl from Stratford and albinistic Partridge from Dunmow, 32 ; exhibits rare Essex birds, 39 ; exhibits Swiss phanero- gams 39,; obituary of William Herbert Dalton, 41 ; obituary of Edwin Tulley Newton, 42 ; list of rare Essex birds purchased for Museum, 60 ; Literary and other Associations of Highbeach, 100 ; exhibits British lichens, 139 ; exhibits MS. notes by the late Miller Christy, 139; exhibits card- board pecked by Tits, 142, 261; exhibits Mera Collection of british Lepidoptera 142; exhibits Merlin, 143 ; exhibits late Dr.Turner's Col- lection of Diptera. 149 ; exhibits Birds from Finland, 261 ; exhibits nest of House Martin, 265 ; exhibits displayed wings of birds, 263, 272 ; Buzzards in Essex, 273 ; Parraquets at Loughton, 273 ; Velvet Scoter in West Essex, 273 ; a New Essex Beetle, 274 ; Eledone cirrosa at Frinton, 274 ; Scarlet Hopper at Buck- hurst Hill, 274 ; Chrysopyxis stenostoma at Woodford, 274. Thorrington, F. W., exhibits cells of Megachile, 32 ; exhibits rag- worts from South Africa, 142 ; lectures on Essex Ferns, 145 ; Claytonia perfoliata at Little Baddow, 150. Thurlow, A. G. G., elected a mem- ber, 2 2 2. Thysanura, Collembola and, of Epping Forest, 116. Todd, C, exhibits Diffugia, 29 ; exhibits forged neolithic imple- ments, 33. Tomline, Miss K., elected a mem- ber, 39.