vii. Turner, F. M., exhibits Stigco- clonium, 29 ; his collection of Diptera presented, 149. Upshire, visit to, 218. Valence House, Dagenham, visited, 146 ; historical account of, by S. J. Barns, 146. Vandepeer, D. E., elected a mem- ber, 229. Vandepeer, Mrs. F., elected a member, 142. Various Notes on the Birds of Essex, 18, Velvet Scoter in West Essex, 273. Viking Pottery at Barkingside, 59. Wakering, Great and Little, visit to, 227. Walthamstow, B1ack-throated Diver at, 137. Wanstead, Red-throated Diver at, 60. Warren, S. H., The Palaeolithic Industries of the Clacton and Dovercourt districts, 268. Water-fleas exhibited, 29. Water-plants exhibited, 28. Watt, H. Boyd, lecture on the American Grey Squirrel, 145. Whitworth, Miss A. B., M.Sc., elected a member, 149. Wicken Fen, the Natural History of, 275. Wilson, Miss I. M., B.Sc., elected a member, 31. Wilson, Mrs. L., elected a member, 142. Woad described, 143. Wolffia arrhiza exhibited, 32. Womersley, H. Short Account of the Collembola and Thysanura of Epping Forest, 116. Woodford, visit to, 268. LIST OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. (Frontispiece). John Ray's Tomb at Black Notley, facing p. 1. Daphnia pulex, etc., Outline figures, p. 8. Mandible and Palp of Chirocephalus diaphanus, p. 16. Ditto of Lepi- docaris rhyniensis, p. 16. Swan-marks of Essex Owners, p. 21. Plate II. Gull-billed Tern, facing p. 24. Plate III. Licea pusilla Schrad, facing p. 61. Plate IV. Methoca ichneumonides Latr., facing p. 67. Map of the Sewardstone district, p. 68. Raphidia notata Fabr., p. 84 ; R. xanthostigma Schum., p. 84. R. cognata Ramb., p. 85. R. maculicollis, Steph., p. 85. Plate V. Life History of the Snake fly, Raphidia maculicollis, facing p. 87. Plate VI. Some Examples of Heterophylly, facing p. 120. Plate VII. Map of Southchurch in Prehistoric Times, facing p. 151. Southchurch Marshland in 1870, p. 158. Plate VIII. Details of Prehistoric Roads, Southchurch, facing p. 161. Plate IX. Albinistic Robin, facing p. 192. Plate X. Polymicrodon polydes- moides Leach, facing p. 203. Plate XI. Polymicrodon polydes- moides Leach, facing p. 205.